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Results - Tue Nov 25

#StartMinThemeWinnerRunners up
4449Midnight25Quickiefuturekk2. Mitsuko
3. socc2
4. v_eyes
5. karenlav
6. WJM3
7. lindab19
8. ag
9. Bentoncreek
10. zzww
11. coffell
12. NanSue
13. foxy0717
14. lemons
15. betcha
16. shirin
17. jgchess
18. speechkid
19. kathy1312
20. mcdv50
445000:3025Quickienext2. mickiswit
3. marginwalker
4. betcha
5. v_eyes
6. futurekk
7. Quacker
8. aprcosta
9. socc2
10. karenlav
11. deejai
12. lemons
13. WJM3
14. aged
15. braschfamily@jurisystems.com
16. mcdv50
17. susanmorris
445101:0025Quickiesocc22. aged
3. kweenbee
4. WJM3
5. lemons
6. betcha
7. Delirius
8. susanmorris
9. jko_on_the_down_lo
10. cokecan
11. deejai
12. kathy1312
13. frankiebaby
445201:3025Quickiemercury2. gamegrape
3. socc2
4. vishna
5. betcha
6. Delirius
7. aged
8. cokecan
9. kweenbee
10. futurekk
11. p_mello_99
12. pumpkin1020
13. kathy1312
445302:0025Quickiefuturekk2. cokecan
3. kweenbee
4. betcha
5. buttwipe
6. p_mello_99
7. socc2
8. Delirius
9. kathy1312
10. pumpkin1020
11. melliemel
12. SRN
13. hosenknopf
445402:3025Quickiebuttwipe2. betcha
3. esand
4. DrumKat
5. socc2
6. kweenbee
7. daimoku
8. melliemel
9. Delirius
10. pumpkin1020
11. p_mello_99
12. Tim1950
13. kathy1312
445503:0025Quickiebuttwipe2. socc2
3. kweenbee
4. suetorquay
5. esand
6. DrumKat
7. vivi63
8. -DeRose78-
9. Alex
10. p_mello_99
445603:3025Quickiebuttwipe2. DrumKat
3. socc2
4. -DeRose78-
5. jtimar
6. etselec
7. vivi63
8. Alex
9. caramel22lkiss
10. mbcscribe
11. davidxz300
445704:0090Threatdavidxz3002. Crunch
3. doormat
4. jtimar
5. rgyoungmd
6. nootjes
7. Nepomuk
8. etselec
9. Alex
10. hosenknopf
11. jenny10
12. suetorquay
13. ollie
14. mbcscribe
15. 20June
445806:0025Quickiedoglet2. Mitsuko
3. SRN
4. ketzell
5. MaryH
445906:3025Quickieekabiljo2. vivi63
3. ketzell
4. anastasia
5. peng
6. MaryH
7. rav_varu
8. Alex
9. mountainsong
446007:0025Quickiebigeds2. Alex
3. vivi63
4. anastasia
5. rav_varu
6. poekiebaloe
7. mazal
8. RyansMom
9. peng
446107:3025Quickieketzell2. anastasia
3. sisifo
4. bigeds
5. Alex
6. RyansMom
7. mazal
8. booboo
9. paciorek
10. rav_varu
446208:0025Quickiebigeds2. ketzell
3. peng
4. j-ann
5. SouthernBelle
6. mazal
7. rav_varu
8. carebear14
9. RyansMom
10. Amy62
446308:3025QuickieNepomuk2. j-ann
3. grandma-bell
4. mitzi129
5. jabecno
6. booboo
7. coffell
8. peng
9. dietzmom
10. superknight
11. Amy62
446409:0025Quickieloopdeydoo2. jabecno
3. SophieB
4. fartface
5. aintlifek
6. jack
7. jerry30827
8. j-ann
9. coffell
10. kaltes2001
11. Amy62
12. mcdv50
13. paciorek
14. apple
446509:3025Quickiemarcia72. boomer24
3. jennygirl55
4. 20June
5. j-ann
6. mcdv50
7. jabecno
8. SophieB
9. jerry30827
10. kamoo
11. remyfrancais
12. canadian_eh
13. Nepomuk
14. Amy62
15. louisquinze
16. paciorek
17. mick126
18. fartface
19. arty
20. Woodrow
446610:0025QuickieSmacky2. qing
3. Beowulf
4. mick126
5. marcia7
6. jennygirl55
7. j-ann
8. arty
9. jabecno
10. canadian_eh
11. jerry30827
12. kamoo
13. bobsleddogboy
14. smilez9715
15. louisquinze
16. NanSue
446710:3025Quickiemick1262. marcia7
3. jennygirl55
4. jabecno
5. boomer24
6. 20June
7. kamoo
8. zamax
9. aged
10. Musicsson
11. AudiA4
12. NanSue
13. Amy62
14. apple
15. ag
446811:0025Quickiemarcia72. Beowulf
3. PatPlace
4. loopdeydoo
5. mick126
6. sheldonpei
7. kamoo
8. 20June
9. jerry30827
10. apple
11. coffell
12. peng
13. jabecno
14. MaryH
15. anjel
16. ag
17. carebear14
18. AudiA4
19. NanSue
20. Musicsson
21. beer108
22. Woodrow
23. geny
446911:3025Quickiechemist272. booboo
3. loopdeydoo
4. PatPlace
5. lenaspinoza
6. aintlifek
7. Nat_King_C.
8. betcha
9. futurekk
10. peng
11. G-Bone
12. klausc
13. arty
14. paulathepill
15. AudiA4
16. daimoku
17. skipperocky
18. kim123456
19. mapfel
20. 20June
21. Amy62
22. evilqueen
4470Noon90Threatgoatee2. marcia7
3. lenaspinoza
4. vishna
5. Nat_King_C.
6. futurekk
7. PatPlace
8. kim123456
9. Burtle
10. chemist27
11. Crunch
12. Beowulf
13. davidxz300
14. jalp
15. Repperzed
16. bag
17. canadian_eh
18. ladylol
19. mcdv50
20. bosquer
21. ketzell
22. Townie
23. chlimine
24. j-ann
25. Lizsa
26. skipperocky
27. remyfrancais
28. paciorek
29. NanSue
30. arty
31. ariel13
32. geny
33. AudiA4
34. superknight
35. apple
36. stockbroker
37. jabecno
38. mapfel
39. gdbcpa
40. jbjerry
41. shirin
42. bobsleddogboy
43. jerry30827
44. alibab
45. smoessner
46. HockeyMom
47. evilqueen
48. Dinky
49. fartface
50. mick126
51. Sandy517
52. abitty
53. Nevvie
54. seloba
55. WonderfulandBeautiful
56. Woodrow
57. cokecan
58. Ate
447114:0025Quickierenaz2. jalp
3. futurekk
4. kim123456
5. cokecan
6. loopdeydoo
7. WonderfulandBeautiful
8. nae
9. bosquer
10. boomer24
11. paciorek
12. kamoo
13. SophieB
14. carebear14
15. Brandeau
16. apple
17. skipperocky
18. evilqueen
19. fartface
20. REDS
21. geny
447214:3025Quickieskipperocky2. PatPlace
3. tyleary
4. boomer24
5. frasermunn
6. Laffman
7. apple
8. SophieB
9. chesson
10. nae
11. Brandeau
12. kamoo
13. kim123456
14. WonderfulandBeautiful
15. aged
16. stockbroker
17. paciorek
18. yobob
19. clutch
20. geny
21. chjmic
447315:0025QuickieSmacky2. kim123456
3. PatPlace
4. jabecno
5. aschdog
6. loopdeydoo
7. mcdv50
8. Frikendel
9. remyfrancais
10. apple
11. frasermunn
12. WonderfulandBeautiful
13. DrumKat
14. p_mello_99
16. kamoo
17. bob
18. paciorek
19. aged
20. stockbroker
21. RyansMom
447415:3025QuickieNat_King_C.2. PatPlace
3. boomer24
4. booboo
5. FerretZone
6. jabecno
7. remyfrancais
8. mcdv50
9. RyansMom
10. bosquer
11. 20June
12. cokecan
13. xtrmflyer
14. sheldonpei
15. apple
16. p_mello_99
17. jbranick3
18. mongoose
19. beer108
20. stockbroker
21. mgonn
447516:0025Quickiejalp2. FerretZone
3. jbranick3
4. futurekk
5. PatPlace
6. booboo
7. howabout
8. bosquer
9. beer108
10. RyansMom
11. TowerLady
12. dnekoba
13. pegasus0516
14. apple
15. EllieMay
16. wednesday8402
17. jabecno
18. jomomma
19. mongoose
20. Woodrow
21. stockbroker
22. liane
23. carebear14
24. xtrmflyer
447616:3025Quickiepegasus05162. BackToWork
3. futurekk
4. Mitsuko
5. cokecan
6. foxy0717
7. jabecno
8. braschfamily@jurisystems.com
9. lemons
10. skipperocky
11. bosquer
12. mcdv50
13. KIAZ
14. stockbroker
15. gdbcpa
16. kim123456
17. aged
18. RyansMom
19. jomomma
20. howabout
22. apple
23. Woodrow
447717:0025Quickiefuturekk2. Roxanne
3. Mitsuko
4. kim123456
5. tyleary
6. foxy0717
7. booboo
9. mitzi129
10. jalp
11. aged
12. RyansMom
13. apple
14. jbjerry
15. GinaMcGraw
16. howabout
17. yobob
18. nae
19. gdbcpa
20. cokecan
21. Sandy517
22. chjmic
23. bbelly
447817:3025Quickiemabb2. mick126
3. tyleary
4. booboo
5. futurekk
6. Mitsuko
7. kim123456
8. mickiswit
10. jbjerry
11. WJM3
12. aged
13. rickkrr
14. bbelly
15. SouthernBelle
16. howabout
17. apple
18. stockbroker
19. suetorquay
20. cokecan
21. p_mello_99
22. klausc
23. chjmic
24. nae
25. GinaMcGraw
26. fartface
27. remyfrancais
28. AudiA4
29. shirin
30. ecnavt
447918:0025Quickiebigeds2. Mitsuko
3. mick126
4. Crunch
5. remyfrancais
6. pegasus0516
7. futurekk
8. rickkrr
9. Repperzed
10. nae
11. booboo
12. SouthernBelle
13. skipperocky
14. sassysue430
15. ketzell
16. AudiA4
17. hoga
18. moggs
19. WJM3
20. 20June
22. bosquer
23. howabout
24. unknown2
25. bigdaddyo
26. aschdog
27. kim123456
28. apple
29. chjmic
30. sheldonpei
31. beetleb
448018:3025Quickiebigeds2. hoga
3. remyfrancais
4. bosquer
5. ketzell
6. sassysue430
7. aprcosta
8. angel111
9. firecracker22
10. cokecan
11. WJM3
12. AudiA4
13. rickkrr
14. NanSue
15. cambo61
16. carryon
17. Peny
18. jiana
19. superknight
20. howabout
21. aurora71
22. seaflow
23. zerkzonk
448119:0025Quickieevilqueen2. pegasus0516
3. Greenbottle
4. aged
5. remyfrancais
6. sassysue430
7. Peny
8. aschdog
9. jerry30827
10. 20June
11. betcha
12. NanSue
13. lizziep
14. peedles
15. Jonesey
16. sheldonpei
17. dribbleflop
18. bosquer
19. lemons
20. coffell
21. jiana
22. p_mello_99
23. zerkzonk
24. esand
25. fartface
26. Nola
27. etselec
28. nobilispais
29. hanj33
30. carryon
31. seaflow
32. Delirius
448219:3025Quickievishna2. Beowulf
3. evilqueen
4. lemons
5. zerkzonk
6. sassysue430
7. davidxz300
8. lizziep
9. jerry30827
10. aschdog
11. aged
12. peedles
13. betcha
14. Asar2die4
15. bosquer
16. rickkrr
17. Jonesey
18. pegasus0516
19. mazal
20. tmjr123
21. fartface
22. jiana
23. etselec
24. martiandmitsy
25. hanj33
26. momoffour
27. BackToWork
28. Delirius
29. beer108
30. mongoose
448320:0090Threatgoatee2. WRAC
3. Laffman
4. Beowulf
5. vishna
6. marginwalker
7. FerretZone
8. buttwipe
9. davidxz300
10. Crunch
11. Greenbottle
12. jbranick3
13. bigeds
14. pegasus0516
15. marcia7
16. betcha
17. Jonesey
18. bluerose
19. remyfrancais
20. gdbcpa
21. cat512
22. Asar2die4
23. salsbudxe
24. loopdeydoo
25. hoga
26. peedles
27. Burtle
28. scooterpuss
29. Vivi
30. Nola
31. moriahdei
32. cre8
33. nanabell
34. GeorgeWBush
35. lemons
36. sandra
37. jko_on_the_down_lo
38. fartface
39. PUPKIN19
40. bag
41. nobilispais
42. futurekk
43. Quacker
44. chesson
45. jiana
46. 20June
47. AudiA4
48. HoneyBChickie
49. HockeyMom
50. daimoku
51. swanzi
52. FCM5.02
53. stevek
54. momoffour
448422:0025Quickienext2. raederle
3. marginwalker
4. dizeedee
5. aged
6. Vivi
7. coffell
8. jack
9. harpo55
10. Nola
11. melliemel
12. 20June
13. foxy0717
14. moriahdei
15. bag
16. beer108
17. richard123456
18. daimoku
19. PUPKIN19
448522:3025QuickieCrunch2. marginwalker
3. bag
4. coffell
5. zerkzonk
6. Asar2die4
7. loopdeydoo
8. bbelly
9. richard123456
10. moriahdei
11. barbc22
12. Bentoncreek
13. jumpstart
14. daimoku
15. NanSue
16. beer108
17. ketzell
18. jack
19. firecracker22
20. paciorek
21. PUPKIN19
22. Nola
23. jko_on_the_down_lo
448623:0025Quickietyleary2. harpo55
3. marginwalker
4. WJM3
5. aged
6. bag
7. firecracker22
8. bbelly
9. rickkrr
10. Asar2die4
11. Bentoncreek
12. carebear14
13. moriahdei
14. betcha
15. Bluejay
16. NanSue
17. jiana
18. FCM5.02
19. jko_on_the_down_lo
20. lemons
21. McGem
22. nobilispais
448723:3025QuickieGeorgeWBush2. betcha
3. marginwalker
4. tyleary
5. lemons
6. FCM5.02
7. Bentoncreek
8. WJM3
9. Ctrl-Alt-Del
10. foxy0717
11. aged
12. AnGabriela
13. mickiswit
14. damos27
15. leewayne
16. Bluejay
17. jko_on_the_down_lo
18. bag
19. McGem
20. NanSue
21. moriahdei
§ = no draft, † = deadly

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