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Results - Sun Feb 24

#StartMinThemeWinnerRunners up
64077Midnight40Speedsterpterry2. Ann13
3. byans
4. wes
5. betcha
6. kalo
7. shewolf
8. Bentoncreek
9. cherman
10. vetiver
11. GrammaNan
12. pkpkpk
13. marilyn94107
14. beagirl
15. jack
16. funlovunk
17. qhu
18. amadea8
19. wuffy
6407800:4540Elevenspcu2. fidibus
3. qing2
4. sprucegoose
5. betcha
6. marilyn94107
7. Ann13
8. LaLoba
9. shewolf
10. Bentoncreek
11. imeldamary
12. trishn7088
13. optica29
14. mkbquilter
15. GrammaNan
16. qhu
17. amadea8
18. evilgal
19. vetiver
20. bjdrummer
21. tellmetrue
22. orel55
23. Ideasbrewing
24. Firecracker22
6407901:3025Quickieqing22. _azhriaz
3. pcu
4. wes
5. shewolf
6. betcha
7. imeldamary
8. Ideasbrewing
9. marilyn94107
10. Firecracker22
11. trishn7088
12. mkbquilter
13. bjdrummer
14. LaLoba
15. Bentoncreek
16. orel55
17. vetiver
18. qhu
19. amadea8
6408002:0025Miniqing22. pcu
3. _azhriaz
4. LaLoba
5. Ideasbrewing
6. wes
7. imeldamary
8. KEVIN19
9. mkbquilter
10. Bentoncreek
11. trishn7088
12. bjdrummer
13. amadea8
6408102:3025All-in-Oneqing22. _azhriaz
3. trishn7088
4. betcha
5. imeldamary
6. optica29
7. LaLoba
6408203:0055PotluckLaffman2. secox10072
3. qing2
4. momsbrk
5. nithya75
6. Crunch
7. optica29
8. amadea8
9. shewolf
10. StopFreecell+MoveYourAss
6408304:0025Super QuickieLaffman2. yummi
3. secox10072
4. momsbrk
5. Tullia
6. StopFreecell+MoveYourAss
7. Crunch
8. shewolf
9. peng
6408404:3025QuickieLaffman2. Tullia
3. LadeniusM
4. clarissa
5. StopFreecell+MoveYourAss
6. shewolf
7. optica29
8. nithya75
9. peng
10. fridama
11. joforrest
6408505:0025Minipeter752. qing2
3. LadeniusM
4. Tullia
5. 7pin
6. peng
7. shewolf
8. KEVIN19
9. optica29
10. claremont
11. StopFreecell+MoveYourAss
12. clarissa
13. chrissie8madrid
6408605:3025All-in-Onepeter752. Tullia
3. chrissie8madrid
4. 7pin
5. dirtygirl
6. peng
7. clarissa
8. kvb8
9. ZanMan
10. shewolf
6408706:0085Threatpeter752. kangaroo
3. horsec8z
4. _azhriaz
5. boonchai
6. clarissa
7. LordsWork2004
8. amadea8
9. dirtygirl
10. nithya75
11. Francis
12. shewolf
13. kvb8
14. fridama
15. Tullia
16. joforrest
17. shellymaxie
18. peekaboo401
19. chrissie8madrid
20. peng
21. Santaria
22. lleceerf
6408807:3025Quickieaschdog2. _azhriaz
3. nithya75
4. clarissa
5. LadeniusM
6. lleceerf
7. jackresnick
8. shewolf
9. Tullia
10. StopFreecell+MoveYourAss
6408908:0025Miniclarissa2. Tullia
3. LadeniusM
4. rgyoungmd
5. jackresnick
6. shewolf
7. _azhriaz
8. panchi
9. TOM
10. aintlifek
11. judge
12. amadea8
13. peng
14. nithya75
6409008:3025All-in-Oneqing22. clarissa
3. jennygirl55
4. gsmom
5. bugbiten
6. chesson
7. rgyoungmd
8. _azhriaz
9. aintlifek
10. peng
11. Tullia
12. shewolf
13. cmh2
14. onebadjuan
15. amadea8
16. patwalsh104
6409109:0055Narrow Straitsdeadwing2. boonchai
3. bugbiten
4. anaccount
5. _azhriaz
6. clarissa
7. shewolf
8. BabyDoe
9. cat512
10. ging2
11. zeena
12. TOM
13. evilgal
14. onebadjuan
15. usps63
16. aged
17. orel55
18. dukernest
6409210:0025Super QuickieElGuapo2. pterry
3. _azhriaz
4. clarissa
5. Epp
6. zeena
7. DeirdreCL
8. moemoe
9. TOM
10. leewayne
11. jack
12. onebadjuan
13. marilyn94107
14. Lisadianne
15. deadwing
16. Tullia
17. peng
6409310:3025Quickiebluedog2. _azhriaz
3. Tullia
4. clarissa
5. ging2
6. horsec8z
7. ImGainin
8. hotnurse
9. leewayne
10. peng
11. zeena
12. BabyDoe
13. shewolf
14. not-very-good
15. marilyn94107
16. Nefertiti
17. jun
18. DeirdreCL
19. evilgal
20. peekaboo401
6409411:0025Minimarilyn941072. Tullia
3. leewayne
4. Nefertiti
5. BabyDoe
6. _azhriaz
7. jack
8. bluedog
9. greeneye
10. deadwing
11. Lisadianne
12. cmh2
13. not-very-good
14. chesson
15. vtwonen
16. cherman
6409511:3025All-in-Oneel_conquistador2. edv
3. Tullia
4. bluedog
5. ImGainin
6. hotnurse
7. momsbrk
8. BabyDoe
9. jack
10. _azhriaz
11. Lisadianne
12. fruitcake
13. marilyn94107
14. greeneye
15. Nefertiti
16. SophieB
17. surfgran
18. imeldamary
19. shewolf
20. beagirl
21. usps63
64096Noon115FreakoutDr.Bombay2. fidibus
3. marilyn94107
4. boonchai
5. dcn21
6. el_conquistador
7. Zazouu
8. wanderer101
9. Nefertiti
10. natorious
11. beagirl
12. imeldamary
13. peekaboo401
14. _azhriaz
15. chrissie8madrid
16. pinetree
17. greeneye
18. sprucegoose
19. cherman
20. peedles
21. joystick96
22. olsali
23. surfgran
24. jefffm
25. Tullia
26. panchi
27. aiht8
28. mvand50
29. usps63
30. peng
31. judge
32. ladylol
33. shewolf
34. chesson
35. vetiver
36. fruitcake
6409714:0025Minifidibus2. orel55
3. pinetree
4. surfgran
5. greeneye
6. d164280
7. peedles
8. BackToWork
9. usps63
10. jun
11. marilyn94107
12. dcn21
13. ketzell
14. silly
15. Ann13
16. panchi
6409814:3025All-in-OneBackToWork2. momsbrk
3. ketzell
4. Ann13
5. peedles
6. byans
7. marilyn94107
8. pinetree
9. d164280
10. Lisadianne
11. mkbquilter
12. bjdrummer
13. usps63
14. greeneye
15. Sheikh_Yerbouti
17. joystick96
6409915:0040Wide Openfidibus2. LadeniusM
3. Ann13
4. BackToWork
5. Lisadianne
6. mokaza3
7. dnekoba
8. ketzell
10. greeneye
11. joystick96
12. beagirl
13. chuckngo
14. mnjs4
15. optica29
16. mkbquilter
17. surfgran
18. usps63
19. horsec8z
20. mazal
21. cmh2
22. silly
23. parra
24. vetteboy
25. Epp
6410015:4540Zany ZeroElGuapo2. fidibus
3. deadwing
4. silvrstreak
5. Ann13
6. mnjs4
7. Mitsuko
8. ginabb
9. pinetree
10. Lisadianne
11. marilyn94107
12. bugbiten
13. mkbquilter
14. byans
16. ketzell
17. surfgran
18. pyamas
19. mazal
20. SophieB
21. usps63
22. panchi
23. BackToWork
24. cmh2
25. vetteboy
26. cherman
27. onebadjuan
28. patwalsh104
29. joystick96
30. joforrest
31. claremont
32. beagirl
33. salp
34. julie
6410116:3025QuickieLaffman2. aschdog
3. ginabb
4. Ann13
5. ketzell
6. SophieB
7. ImGainin
8. claremont
9. LaLoba
10. palumbo
11. marilyn94107
12. julie
13. evilgal
14. pinetree
15. mpaccm
16. byans
17. Juniper33
18. Ace48
19. judge
20. mazal
21. cgaudio
22. Woodrow
23. onebadjuan
24. Bentoncreek
25. Jonesey
26. tooold
27. olsali
28. surfgran
29. cherman
30. mengelhart
31. 7pin
32. Lisadianne
33. natorious
34. tellmetrue
35. sm00th
36. Mitsuko
6410217:0025MiniLaffman2. Mitsuko
3. deadwing
4. ging2
5. anybodybutbush
6. cgaudio
7. judge
8. Zazouu
9. julie
10. Jonesey
11. SophieB
12. marilyn94107
13. natorious
14. optica29
15. tooold
16. cherman
17. Bentoncreek
18. onebadjuan
19. LaLoba
20. Lisadianne
21. anonimouse
22. surfgran
23. ketzell
24. Ace48
25. Woodrow
26. salp
27. parra
28. sm00th
6410317:3025All-in-OneLaffman2. MabdulD
3. anybodybutbush
4. mabb
5. ging2
6. Zazouu
7. natorious
8. Mitsuko
9. ginabb
10. ketzell
11. mnjs4
12. LaLoba
13. cgaudio
14. Woodrow
15. salp
16. BabyDoe
17. Bentoncreek
18. julie
19. Jonesey
20. optica29
21. parra
22. sm00th
23. surfgran
24. jack
25. panchi
26. Bluejay
27. cherman
28. ebownes
29. Lisadianne
30. +Dandy+
6410418:00120MastersLaffman2. ElGuapo
3. MabdulD
4. calicokid
5. fidibus
6. jimmyp
7. ging2
8. aschdog
9. ComingUpTheRear
10. kangaroo
11. anybodybutbush
12. giraffe23
13. Mitsuko
14. FerretZone
15. ImGainin
16. skipperocky
17. marilyn94107
18. d164280
19. LaLoba
20. ketzell
21. Jonesey
22. Bluejay
23. judge
24. silvrstreak
25. cgaudio
26. leewayne
27. BabyDoe
28. peekaboo401
29. gocargo
30. Tamme63
31. optica29
32. crochetdeb
33. chesson
34. mkbquilter
35. qhu
36. evilgal
37. thebear
38. EMU
39. parra
40. surfgran
41. Buzzy
42. Fierce
43. mokeymoo
44. moemoe
45. suesfriend
46. mbcscribe
47. bbelly
48. hondagirl
49. GrammaNan
50. cherman
51. Lmarko
52. Carun
53. sprucegoose
54. Bentoncreek
55. Lisadianne
56. tellmetrue
57. Anonymiss
58. sheema
59. TowerLady
60. palumbo
6410520:3025All-in-OneLaffman2. anybodybutbush
3. Francis
4. ginabb
5. Mitsuko
6. Bentoncreek
7. ketzell
8. cgaudio
9. marilyn94107
10. Lisadianne
11. Bluejay
12. qhu
13. mengelhart
14. vtwonen
15. LaLoba
16. BabyDoe
17. SophieB
18. optica29
19. cherman
20. jack
21. daimoku
22. chesson
6410621:0040SpeedsterLaffman2. ginabb
3. mike_la_jolla
4. deadwing
5. ketzell
6. mkbquilter
7. mbcscribe
8. optica29
9. qhu
10. Bluejay
11. Lisadianne
12. marilyn94107
13. daimoku
14. mengelhart
15. moemoe
16. TowerLady
17. leewayne
6410721:4540Elevensmickyiw2. fidibus
3. mabb
4. Laffman
5. mike_la_jolla
6. LaLoba
7. Mitsuko
8. dumpster
9. helka
10. Francis
11. qhu
12. Jonesey
13. dcn21
14. mkbquilter
15. leewayne
16. beagirl
17. ketzell
18. bbelly
19. Santaria
20. cherman
21. TowerLady
22. deadwing
23. futurekk
24. byans
25. parra
26. optica29
27. Ace48
6410822:3025QuickieMitsuko2. fidibus
3. Francis
4. JEHBerry
5. byans
6. Jonesey
7. dumpster
8. crochetdeb
9. Lisadianne
10. LargeStuffedWolf
11. qhu
12. optica29
13. cherman
14. mickiswit
15. anonimouse
6410923:0025Minianonimouse2. trishn7088
3. Ann13
4. Francis
5. helka
6. byans
7. dlgb2
8. dumpster
9. crankee
10. nithya75
11. Nefertiti
12. qhu
6411023:3025All-in-Onesprucegoose2. fidibus
3. pcu
4. nithya75
5. j-anne
6. Ann13
7. Nefertiti
8. dcn21
9. anonimouse
10. dlgb2
11. jack
12. cherman
13. marilyn94107
14. Lisadianne
§ = no draft, † = deadly

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