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Chat Login

When you click on the chat link you will either be automatically logged in using your current Freecell username or if you're not logged in (Anonymous) you'll need to log in explicitly by typing:
	.login username password
... but otherwise it's the same chat room.

Chat Hours

While the chat room is open 24/7 it's often pretty dead. So we're recommending a schedule to try to get folks into the chat room at the same time. Here's the schedule with US timezones. If you're international you'll have to work things out. The World Clock is an excellent resource.

Chat times on Saturday and Sunday evenings:

US Time ZoneTime
West coast (LA) 6-7pm
Mountain (Denver) 7-8pm
Central (Chicago) 8-9pm
Eastern (New York and Freecell server time) 9-10pm

Chat Socials

Type .soc while in chat to get a list of the "socials." These are shortcuts for often silly messages. You only have to type as many characters as are necessary to uniquely identify the social and the optional target of the social.

For example:

.k l (kiss LitheYetBusty if there are no other chatters whose name begins with 'L')
.ki lithe (more fully specified)
.kiss LitheYetBusty (lots of typing but guaranteed)

Some commands require that you specify a target. Some commands cannot be used with a target. And some commands work both with or without a target. Just try them to see how they work.

Chat Emoticons

You can get chat to display some little pictures by typing some shortcuts between square braces. Note: these icons seemed pretty cool in 2006 but they look a bit out-of-date now.

For example, [grin] displays this icon:


You can display funny animated gifs from giphy.com by typing:

.gifs facepalm

This would give you a short list of popular animated gifs for "facepalm". Then you can select one and share it with the chat room. Obviously you can select whatever thing suits your fancy, not just 'facepalm'.

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Maintained by Dennis Cronin