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Individual Stats - jbhc

Total hours playing: 16.93
Last seen: Fri Jul 25 17:15:37 2003
Game in progress: No
Create date: 2004-08-14
Elo: 1500.000
Announcements: On

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Variants Played

Use the Column visibility button to display additional data. Variants are listed in order of most recent activity. Search or sort to find specific variants. If a game is in progress it is shown in green.

GameLastStreakBest StreakPlaysWinsDailyTodayBest DailyYearlyBest YearlyWin%Avg. TimeAvg. StreakTotal Time
13x32003-07-253128231431300980099.68%02:14 157.011h 41m
8x4016114550060048.25%02:43 1.95h 9m
9x50111100100100.00%02:23 1.00h 2m
10x60111100100100.00%02:18 1.00h 2m

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