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Results - Mon Apr 5

#StartMinThemeWinnerRunners up
995901:0025Quickieidahohome2. KlemRev
3. LauchlanB
4. j-ann
5. Pandorable
6. anonimouse
7. daimoku
8. BushNeeds2Go
9. Crunch
10. joystick96
11. Iditarod_John
12. betcha
13. jko_on_the_down_lo
14. CRC100
15. evilgal
996001:3025Quickiefuturekk2. idahohome
3. Crunch
4. j-ann
5. betcha
6. KlemRev
7. daimoku
8. Iditarod_John
9. anonimouse
10. BushNeeds2Go
11. irongoat
12. vanc
13. evilgal
996102:0025Quickiefuturekk2. betcha
3. scottlylal
4. idahohome
5. anonimouse
6. Piep
7. vanc
8. giraffe23
9. Smegg
10. foxy0717
996202:3025Quickiescottlylal2. socc2
3. giraffe23
4. vanc
5. blfntbelle
6. martiandmitsy
7. idahohome
8. evilgal
996303:0025Quickiesocc22. yetch031
3. Piep
4. Ate
5. DrumKat
6. idahohome
7. jtimar
8. vanc
9. evilgal
996403:3025Quickiesocc22. Ate
3. yetch031
4. Piep
5. CM-
996504:0045Speedsternootjes2. yetch031
3. rickkrr
4. jtimar
5. kweenbee
6. giraffe23
7. ron
8. LordsWork2003
9. peng
10. Nepomuk
11. Piep
12. Ate
996605:0025Quickieboetta2. nootjes
3. yetch031
4. Tamme63
5. Piep
6. kweenbee
7. geny
996705:3025QuickiePiep2. Nepomuk
996806:0025QuickieFCM2.032. vivi63
3. giraffe23
4. jun
5. pthomas187
996906:3025Quickieboetta2. suetorquay
3. idahohome
4. MaryH
5. rgyoungmd
6. adawson
7. Piep
8. LordsWork2003
9. pthomas187
997007:0025Quickieboetta2. loopdeydoo
3. Swirly
4. LordsWork2003
5. aintlifek
6. Nepomuk
7. meri42
8. adawson
9. Piep
10. vivi63
11. filipji
997107:3025Quickieboetta2. gsmom
3. aintlifek
4. Piep
5. meri42
6. LordsWork2003
7. katez
8. Swirly
9. molly
997208:0025Quickieseesaw42. netflick
3. LordsWork2003
4. bogsi
5. SouthernBelle
6. molly
7. pixalduster
8. peng
9. m111gan
10. hanj33
11. Piep
997308:3025QuickieLoner2. netflick
3. seesaw4
4. SouthernBelle
5. boetta
6. peng
7. Tullia
8. apple
9. Piep
997409:0025QuickieLoner2. gsmom
3. SouthernBelle
4. jennygirl55
5. loopdeydoo
6. cathf
7. Chopper12
8. vivi63
9. finman
10. Jocy
11. ronjen
12. LordsWork2003
13. Tullia
14. apple
15. Piep
16. peng
997509:3025Quickieloopdeydoo2. Loner
3. peng
4. WJM3
5. aintlifek
6. TonyBLiar
7. ron
8. cathf
9. canadian_eh
10. Tullia
11. Swirly
12. stevek
13. molly
14. Jocy
15. remyfrancais
16. finman
17. Piep
18. Blenner
19. pretzel7
997610:0025Quickiegoatee2. Tullia
3. boetta
4. nootjes
5. wdaddie
6. peng
7. loopdeydoo
8. j-ann
9. golden1
10. TonyBLiar
11. remyfrancais
12. ag
13. stevek
14. geny
15. barbaraelizabeth
16. pretzel7
17. canadian_eh
18. aridan
19. chesson
20. pcu
21. aintlifek
22. katag79
997710:3025QuickieLoner2. j-ann
3. Mitsuko
4. netflick
5. boetta
6. peng
7. nootjes
8. cathf
9. ag
10. Tullia
11. stevek
12. seloba
13. jun
14. apple
15. msrgjads
16. klausc
17. pcu
997811:0025QuickieLoner2. PatPlace
3. VivaPoodles
4. pcu
5. suetorquay
6. Mitsuko
7. msrgjads
8. Carl
9. peng
10. the-ridge
11. nootjes
12. Surichick
13. geny
14. klausc
15. remyfrancais
16. betcha
17. aridan
18. Tamme63
19. crybaby1414
20. happymel
21. Fine-n-Mellow
22. campster
23. frasermunn
24. Jocy
25. ron
997911:3025QuickieLoner2. suetorquay
3. loopdeydoo
4. anonimouse
5. nootjes
6. PatPlace
7. Tamme63
8. pcu
9. SophieB
10. VivaPoodles
11. CoastGuy
12. ron
13. the-ridge
14. skipperocky
15. jerry30827
16. klausc
17. frasermunn
18. nae
19. kim123456
20. barnet
21. msrgjads
22. Jocy
23. pretzel7
24. Mitsuko
25. dietzmom
26. voce
27. jennygirl55
28. hotrod
29. Carl
30. apple
9980Noon45SpeedsterBurtle2. mabb
3. Loner
4. Crunch
5. Smacky
6. jennygirl55
7. Mitsuko
8. kim123456
9. bigeds
10. suetorquay
11. j-ann
12. SophieB
13. secox10072
14. jbjerry
15. jerry30827
16. mrekers
17. pegasus0516
18. m194122
19. midcenturymodern
20. Carl
21. aridan
22. SouthernBelle
23. skipperocky
24. arty
25. anonimouse
26. nae
27. pretzel7
28. canadian_eh
29. remyfrancais
30. rosenorm
31. sloanstone
32. Sandy517
33. beer108
34. msrgjads
35. Tullia
36. kakhoos
37. superknight
38. ron
39. LaurenN
40. lemons
41. bogsi
42. heathertautges
43. gocargo
44. LauchlanB
45. nighthawk_933
46. barnet
47. Rebelsgirl
48. apple
998113:0025QuickieLoner2. futurekk
3. renaz
4. msrgjads
5. pegasus0516
6. foxy0717
7. titav
8. bosquer
9. arty
10. remyfrancais
11. ron
12. aridan
13. happymel
14. russellalicia
15. canadian_eh
16. Jocy
17. beer108
18. JoyB
19. nighthawk_933
20. cwhite
21. Swirly
998213:3025Quickiekim1234562. futurekk
3. pegasus0516
4. Nepomuk
5. aridan
6. titav
7. Brandeau
8. gocargo
9. russellalicia
10. remyfrancais
11. Jocy
12. howabout
13. msrgjads
14. the-ridge
15. sedona22
16. happymel
17. hanarama
18. cwhite
19. barnet
20. nighthawk_933
21. mrekers
22. ArcticTraveler
23. bogsi
24. apple
998314:0025Quickiefuturekk2. loopdeydoo
3. VivaPoodles
4. jalp
5. hanarama
6. kim123456
7. Tamme63
8. the-ridge
9. remyfrancais
10. bogsi
11. stevek
12. wdaddie
13. vaw48
14. skipperocky
15. russellalicia
16. aridan
17. Jocy
18. deejai
19. dlgb2
20. CHAMP!!!
21. apple
22. titav
23. msrgjads
24. happymel
25. howabout
26. weirwinner
27. greeneye
28. alymar143
29. stockbroker
30. nighthawk_933
998414:3025QuickiePatPlace2. VivaPoodles
3. Loner
4. wdaddie
5. frasermunn
6. the-ridge
7. futurekk
8. remyfrancais
9. katag79
10. deejai
11. Tamme63
12. howabout
13. happymel
14. hotrod
15. bogsi
16. aridan
17. nighthawk_933
18. dizeedee
19. LaurenN
20. Swirly
21. Iditarod_John
22. bobsleddogboy
23. AmberWilliams
24. cwhite
998515:0025QuickiePatPlace2. Loner
3. futurekk
4. kim123456
5. Nepomuk
6. Tamme63
7. SouthernBelle
8. loopdeydoo
9. lemons
10. the-ridge
11. DrumKat
12. canadian_eh
13. gocargo
14. foxy0717
15. Townie
16. apple
17. LauchlanB
18. Thomas
19. bogsi
20. renie8357
21. howabout
22. TonyBLiar
23. cwhite
24. msrgjads
25. greeneye
26. aridan
27. dnekoba
28. udderwoman
29. russellalicia
30. Nola
31. JohnWustrack
998615:3025QuickieLoner2. msrgjads
3. kim123456
4. futurekk
5. LauchlanB
6. loopdeydoo
7. soonerfan01
8. Nepomuk
9. dnekoba
10. russellalicia
11. littlesaur
12. greeneye
13. bosquer
14. renie8357
15. heathertautges
16. Thomas
17. apple
18. Townie
19. JohnWustrack
20. Nola
21. cathf
22. EthansMom
23. howabout
24. TonyBLiar
25. vaw48
26. stockbroker
27. aridan
28. superknight
29. the-ridge
30. skidog
998716:0025Quickiefuturekk2. Loner
3. JohnWustrack
4. kim123456
5. PatPlace
6. stockbroker
7. sapolion
8. gocargo
9. manleyklassen
10. lolala
11. vaw48
13. SCone33
14. Nepomuk
15. rickkrr
16. bosquer
17. aridan
18. apple
19. Townie
20. the-ridge
21. MurphysLaw
22. AZBaron
23. renie8357
24. klausc
25. pretzel7
26. remyfrancais
27. howabout
28. superknight
29. Nola
30. Mitsuko
32. pixalduster
33. streball
34. tuggy
35. bogsi
36. odalisque
37. EthansMom
38. titav
998816:3025Quickiefuturekk2. PatPlace
3. kim123456
4. Nepomuk
5. sapolion
6. dnekoba
7. skipperocky
8. remyfrancais
9. lolala
10. daimoku
11. howabout
12. littlesaur
13. LaurenN
14. apple
15. Nola
16. cathf
17. klausc
18. happymel
19. renie8357
20. aridan
21. barbaraelizabeth
22. fartface
23. RyansMom
24. oximoron
25. lemons
26. CHAMP!!!
27. spikejr
998917:0025QuickieJerryBoy2. Nepomuk
3. futurekk
4. PatPlace
5. VivaPoodles
6. mabb
7. skipperocky
8. missg2004
9. dnekoba
10. kim123456
11. sapolion
12. kittyland
13. renie8357
14. pother
15. happymel
16. sedona22
17. pixalduster
18. littlesaur
19. daimoku
20. apple
21. gocargo
22. howabout
23. cwhite
24. klausc
25. Nola
26. Cantab
27. emrys1
28. meri42
29. barbaraelizabeth
30. CHAMP!!!
31. cfcstl
32. KlemRev
33. heathertautges
34. moriahdei
35. bricoleur
36. deejai
37. nighthawk_933
38. yobob
39. remyfrancais
999017:3025QuickieJerryBoy2. clausmax
3. Kaos
4. sedona22
5. futurekk
6. sassysue430
7. missg2004
8. VivaPoodles
9. Nepomuk
11. mrs
12. Cantab
13. kim123456
14. angel111
15. cathf
16. KlemRev
17. meri42
18. remyfrancais
19. klausc
20. horsec8z
21. elroy
22. tuggy
23. howabout
24. heathertautges
25. cwhite
26. pretzel7
27. bogsi
28. anonimouse
29. pother
30. peva
31. marginwalker
999118:0025Quickiekim1234562. futurekk
3. TopThreeOrDie
4. Nepomuk
5. sassysue430
6. horsec8z
7. mrs
8. bosquer
9. loopdeydoo
10. j-ann
11. howabout
12. zerkzonk
13. JerryBoy
14. gocargo
15. dnekoba
16. sapolion
17. katag79
18. Nola
20. Cantab
21. ronjen
22. cathf
23. mazal
24. Turpin827
25. lemons
26. streball
27. bbelly
28. PUPKIN19
999218:3025QuickieJerryBoy2. mick126
3. futurekk
4. kim123456
5. wdaddie
6. zerkzonk
7. edv
8. j-ann
9. evilqueen
10. bbelly
11. sandra
12. azdmom
13. Mitsuko
14. dnekoba
15. gocargo
16. nae
17. davidxz300
18. sapolion
19. netflick
20. mazal
21. gersor
22. cathf
23. grammy1
24. LauchlanB
25. titav
26. bosquer
27. hammertone
28. howabout
29. ronjen
30. cta1
31. HOVEactually
32. Nola
33. unity
999319:0025Quickiefuturekk2. mick126
3. Kaos
4. loopdeydoo
5. LauchlanB
6. JerryBoy
7. titav
8. katez
9. gocargo
10. apple
11. anonimouse
12. cathf
13. murf420
14. skipperocky
15. azdmom
16. gersor
17. udderwoman
18. hanarama
19. evilqueen
20. maggiel
21. bricoleur
22. mary5w
999419:3025Quickiefuturekk2. edv
3. mick126
4. murf420
5. Kaos
6. TopThreeOrDie
7. SophieB
8. END
9. sapolion
10. garverdc
11. Nola
12. skipperocky
13. PUPKIN19
14. loopdeydoo
15. tuggy
16. intuition
17. aliceliz
18. nighthawk_933
19. abramsrich
20. evilqueen
999520:0045Speedstergoatee2. mick126
3. catscratch
4. EMU
5. futurekk
6. edv
7. titav
8. Pandorable
9. scooterpuss
10. bigeds
11. kangaroo
12. mike_la_jolla
13. sapolion
14. salsbudxe
16. SophieB
17. anonimouse
18. EllieMay
19. END
20. mcdv50
21. pixalduster
22. Bepthon
23. Expresso
24. Tamme63
25. lindab19
26. JoyB
27. Nola
28. wjbbr
29. cat512
30. gersor
31. BabyDoe
32. PUPKIN19
33. pretzel7
34. cre8
35. rgromero
36. nighthawk_933
37. gocargo
38. abramsrich
39. Kaos
40. moriahdei
41. udderwoman
42. BentleyBear
43. bricoleur
999621:0025QuickieKaos2. Mitsuko
3. futurekk
4. lindab19
5. evilqueen
6. gocargo
7. sapolion
8. Chopper12
9. BabyDoe
10. JoyB
11. gersor
12. moriahdei
13. FCM2.03
14. davidxz300
15. Nola
16. kaltes2001
17. boyta
999721:3025Quickiedavidxz3002. kangaroo
3. futurekk
4. loopdeydoo
5. WordsofMassDeception
6. Bluejay
7. grandma-bell
8. anonimouse
9. peva
10. dnekoba
11. BabyDoe
12. hammertone
13. beer108
14. BentleyBear
15. moriahdei
16. bbelly
17. boyta
18. elzy
999822:0025Quickiefuturekk2. parinella
3. anonimouse
4. oldblue
5. dnekoba
6. Pandorable
7. aliceliz
8. lindab19
9. sassysue430
10. davidxz300
11. BabyDoe
12. bbelly
13. WordsofMassDeception
14. Iditarod_John
15. idahohome
16. russellalicia
17. miramira
18. lynda92
19. titav
20. emrys1
21. buzzcut
22. cardcat
23. myginger
24. intuition
25. Bluejay
26. vanc
27. LauchlanB
28. beer108
29. McGem
30. FCM2.03
31. elzy
32. jrandre
33. campster
34. nighthawk_933
35. the-ridge
999922:3025Quickiebuzzcut2. titav
3. the-ridge
4. McDicker
5. idahohome
7. beer108
8. martiandmitsy
9. BabyDoe
10. twinkel1
11. emrys1
12. miramira
13. chesson
14. vanc
15. elzy
16. nighthawk_933
17. ldychances
18. dietzmom
1000023:0025QuickieThe_Norwegian_Blue_Parrot2. Mitsuko
3. idahohome
5. dietzmom
6. buzzcut
7. pixalduster
8. blfntbelle
9. zerkzonk
10. foxy0717
11. oldblue
12. ldychances
13. mitzi129
14. BabyDoe
15. josie
16. beer108
17. giraffe23
18. vanc
1000123:3025QuickieMitsuko2. mcdv50
3. giraffe23
4. parinella
5. pixalduster
6. idahohome
7. TowerLady
8. mitzi129
9. josie
10. WordsofMassDeception
11. beer108
12. Bluejay
13. clythiejo
14. BabyDoe
15. garysr42000
16. foxy0717
18. deejai
19. vanc
20. nighthawk_933
21. jack
10002Midnight25Quickiegoatee2. Pandorable
3. Mitsuko
4. buzzcut
5. KlemRev
6. oldblue
7. idahohome
8. Bluejay
9. pixalduster
10. foxy0717
11. marginwalker
12. golden1
13. Chopper12
14. hanarama
15. jack
16. josie
17. deejai
18. WordsofMassDeception
19. renie8357
20. evilgal
21. jun
22. chesson
23. nighthawk_933
24. WJM3
25. russellalicia
1000300:3025Quickiegoatee2. marginwalker
3. buzzcut
4. Mitsuko
5. oldblue
6. mcdv50
7. socc2
8. Pandorable
9. pixalduster
10. Tamme63
11. barbaraelizabeth
12. josie
13. evilgal
14. lainieloo
15. KlemRev
16. nighthawk_933
17. betcha
18. soonerfan01
§ = no draft, † = deadly

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