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Results - Sun Feb 10

#StartMinThemeWinnerRunners up
63571Midnight40Speedsterfidibus2. Ann13
3. vetteboy
4. Tamme63
5. DeirdreCL
6. daimoku
7. mkbquilter
8. Lisadianne
9. vetiver
10. pkpkpk
11. qhu
12. shewolf
13. anonimouse
6357200:4540ElevensArheus2. daimoku
3. DeirdreCL
4. crochetdeb
5. nithya75
6. spinnerlady
7. vetiver
8. Ideasbrewing
9. Lisadianne
10. qhu
11. 7pin
12. anonimouse
13. evilgal
6357301:3025Quickiefidibus2. crochetdeb
3. daimoku
4. betcha
5. Ideasbrewing
6. 7pin
7. qhu
8. peng
9. fadazz
10. vetiver
11. dede
12. dcn21
6357402:0025Minidcn212. betcha
3. crochetdeb
4. 7pin
5. dede
6. peng
7. Ideasbrewing
8. suesfriend
9. fidibus
10. qhu
11. imeldamary
6357502:3025All-in-OneArheus2. fidibus
3. qing2
4. stanfurdsux
5. hysterical
6. crochetdeb
7. betcha
8. claremont
9. Ideasbrewing
10. suesfriend
11. dede
12. peng
13. dcn21
14. 7pin
15. imeldamary
16. optica29
6357603:0055Potluckqing22. fidibus
3. dcn21
4. Tamme63
5. imeldamary
6. trishn7088
7. bjdrummer
8. optica29
6357704:0025Super Quickieyummi2. LadeniusM
3. dede
4. Tamme63
5. clarissa
6. adry
7. vivi63
6357804:3025Quickieyummi2. clarissa
3. arch1
4. dede
5. Francis
6357905:0025Miniqing22. cher44
3. Darkosi
4. clarissa
5. arch1
6. Francis
7. peng
8. natorious
9. dede
10. adry
6358005:3025All-in-OneDarkosi2. yummi
3. arch1
4. cher44
5. clarissa
6. natorious
7. qing2
8. peng
9. Francis
10. vivi63
6358106:0085Threatpeter752. arch1
3. boonchai
4. bugbiten
5. cher44
6. Francis
7. Mastermind
8. jackresnick
9. peekaboo401
10. clarissa
11. ImGainin
12. vivi63
13. peng
14. cgaudio
15. superripper
16. adry
17. tropark
18. ab_nanda
19. joforrest
6358207:3025Quickieaschdog2. LadeniusM
3. arch1
4. ImGainin
5. superripper
6. clarissa
7. fruitcake
8. yetch031
6358308:0025Miniqing22. aschdog
3. arch1
4. clarissa
5. Santaria
6. superripper
6358408:3025All-in-OneArheus2. qing2
3. LadeniusM
4. Its-a-new-dawn
5. arch1
6. clarissa
7. palmtree
8. palumbo
9. Lisadianne
10. superripper
11. chesson
12. hotnurse
13. TOM
14. peng
6358509:0055Narrow Straitsging22. arch1
3. awk.q
4. clarissa
5. peng
6. superripper
7. Tamme63
8. zeena
9. fruitcake
10. mengelhart
11. fidibus
12. moggs
13. adry
6358610:0025Super Quickieyummi2. 4cell
3. horsec8z
4. Tamme63
5. zeena
6. mengelhart
7. peekaboo401
8. kelliw2
9. shortfatsally
10. clarissa
11. gelitine
6358710:3025Quickie4cell2. aschdog
3. yummi
4. stanfurdsux
5. peekaboo401
6. bluedog
7. hotnurse
8. peng
9. mengelhart
10. BabyDoe
11. zeena
12. babli
6358811:0025Miniawk.q2. Juniper33
3. chesson
4. byans
5. BabyDoe
6. marilyn94107
6358911:3025All-in-Oneevilqueen2. stanfurdsux
3. Lmarko
4. pinetree
5. Juniper33
6. hotnurse
7. leewayne
8. BabyDoe
9. marilyn94107
10. Nefertiti
11. jack
12. moemoe
13. daimoku
14. dmmd
15. Valita
16. maisey
17. Lisadianne
18. Woodrow
63590Noon115FreakoutZazouu2. boonchai
3. sapolion
4. marilyn94107
5. Dr.Bombay
6. pinetree
7. claremont
8. anonimouse
9. Its-a-new-dawn
10. Dr.Felix
11. Woodrow
12. jun
13. jackresnick
14. crochetdeb
15. superripper
16. greeneye
17. bjdrummer
18. Juniper33
19. Nefertiti
20. joforrest
21. Mitsuko
22. BabyDoe
23. adry
24. byans
25. martiandmitsy
26. silvrstreak
27. loopdeydoo
28. Blenner
29. mokaza3
30. jerryc
31. usps63
32. dukernest
33. mpaccm
34. beagirl
35. Kenada
36. gemline
37. evilgal
38. Gulbis
39. Bluejay
40. leewayne
41. cgaudio
6359114:0025Mini4cell2. greeneye
3. fidibus
4. crochetdeb
5. silvrstreak
6. miramira
7. cgaudio
8. Dr.Bombay
9. superripper
10. pinetree
11. d164280
12. anonimouse
13. ging2
14. leewayne
15. bjdrummer
16. palumbo
17. fridama
18. Lisadianne
19. shortfatsally
20. dmmd
21. joforrest
22. mpaccm
6359214:3025All-in-OneDr.Bombay2. ging2
3. greeneye
4. stanfurdsux
5. fidibus
6. bluerose
7. Buffy
8. Lisadianne
9. bjdrummer
10. natorious
11. 5214
12. marilyn94107
13. stedbed
14. moemoe
15. qhu
16. leewayne
18. fridama
19. byans
20. optica29
21. joforrest
22. shortfatsally
23. beagirl
6359315:0040Wide OpenArheus2. Dr.Bombay
3. ging2
4. boonchai
5. ginabb
6. speechpath
7. Lisadianne
8. bugbiten
9. SAB
10. natorious
11. bjdrummer
12. marilyn94107
14. Juniper33
15. pyamas
16. moemoe
17. anonimouse
18. peekaboo401
19. palumbo
20. chesson
21. sprucegoose
22. ImGainin
23. eve
24. sarah5755
25. cgaudio
26. Bluejay
27. qhu
28. gearoid
29. tellmetrue
30. sportsfan
32. Dr.Felix
6359415:4540Zany ZeroArheus2. Dr.Bombay
3. calicokid
4. bugbiten
5. pyamas
7. speechpath
8. ginabb
9. nug
10. sprucegoose
11. Dr.Felix
12. moggs
13. imeldamary
14. beagirl
15. ImGainin
16. palumbo
17. surfgran
18. DeirdreCL
19. Lmarko
20. peekaboo401
21. marilyn94107
22. marilyn57
23. chesson
24. claremont
6359516:3025QuickieArheus2. calicokid
3. Lmarko
4. pyamas
5. daimoku
6. ketzell
7. DeirdreCL
8. julie
9. anonimouse
10. mokaza3
11. d164280
12. imeldamary
13. linky19
14. marilyn94107
15. bbelly
16. surfgran
17. Dr.Felix
18. Jonesey
19. sarah5755
20. patwalsh104
21. bjdrummer
22. cherman
23. deadwing
24. jefffm
6359617:0025Minicalicokid2. Arheus
3. deadwing
4. Catailong2
5. Dr.Bombay
6. pyamas
7. ketzell
8. bugbiten
9. DeirdreCL
10. Zazouu
11. julie
12. bluedog
13. mokaza3
14. palumbo
15. surfgran
16. dumpster
17. marilyn94107
18. bjdrummer
19. sprucegoose
20. sarah5755
21. EMU
22. bbelly
23. eve
6359717:3025All-in-OneArheus2. calicokid
3. Pads
4. 4cell
5. Dr.Bombay
6. Catailong2
7. bluedog
8. goda-L
9. BackToWork
10. dumpster
11. bugbiten
12. Zazouu
13. DeirdreCL
14. bjdrummer
15. Lisadianne
16. pyamas
17. lemons
18. SAB
19. cgaudio
20. ketzell
21. eve
22. chesson
23. surfgran
24. patwalsh104
25. evilgal
26. _moreno_
27. PresidentObama
28. HeyFatLady
29. ImGainin
30. marilyn94107
31. anonimouse
6359818:00120MastersArheus2. mickyiw
3. Pads
4. Laffman
5. Dr.Bombay
6. fidibus
7. cgaudio
8. calicokid
9. EMU
10. ZF
11. 4cell
12. BackToWork
13. Catailong2
14. mokaza3
15. MurphysLaw
16. DeirdreCL
17. goda-L
18. byans
19. d164280
20. ImGainin
21. daimoku
22. salsbudxe
23. ketzell
24. silvrstreak
25. mkbquilter
26. EllieMay
27. HeyFatLady
28. peekaboo401
29. pyamas
30. marilyn94107
31. leewayne
32. vivi63
33. lwitte2
34. cat512
35. Mitsuko
37. spinnerlady
38. crochetdeb
39. chesson
40. joforrest
41. Its-a-new-dawn
42. addictedtogame
43. BabyDoe
44. sprucegoose
45. mengelhart
46. Tamme63
47. qhu
48. hondagirl
49. cancun
50. Francis
51. timothy2me
52. PresidentObama
53. bbelly
54. sarah5755
55. optica29
56. futurekk
57. joystick96
58. tellmetrue
59. peter75
60. gemline
61. mpaccm
62. IamBlessed
6359920:3025All-in-Oneging22. nickj7
3. Francis
4. bluedog
5. Mitsuko
6. marilyn94107
7. shewolf
8. ginabb
9. ketzell
10. Jonesey
11. Ann13
12. mike_la_jolla
13. BabyDoe
14. linky19
15. jammen
16. qhu
17. cancun
18. beagirl
19. Buffalo49
6360021:0040Speedsterfuturekk2. ginabb
3. Ann13
4. ValpoJim
5. Tamme63
7. byans
8. ketzell
9. linky19
10. shewolf
11. Jonesey
12. buckpowers
13. gocargo
14. cbobcoll
15. BabyDoe
16. maisey
17. retiredk9ed
18. Buffalo49
19. vetteboy
20. shellymaxie
21. jerryc
22. sneakers
23. Lisadianne
24. joforrest
6360121:4540ElevensValpoJim2. vetteboy
3. evilqueen
4. bugbiten
5. sapolion
6. Francis
7. Mitsuko
8. Buffalo49
9. shewolf
10. byans
11. angel111
12. daimoku
13. retiredk9ed
14. joforrest
15. Jonesey
16. mengelhart
17. shellymaxie
18. qhu
19. ketzell
20. nithya75
21. ron1946
22. linky19
23. attakid117
24. superripper
25. steveB
26. sarah5755
6360222:3025QuickieLaffman2. Ann13
3. Juniper33
4. Lisadianne
5. attakid117
6. byans
7. JEHBerry
8. Buffalo49
9. mengelhart
10. daimoku
11. Jonesey
12. joystick96
13. DrumKat
14. Carun
15. mkbquilter
16. jerryc
17. shellymaxie
18. shewolf
19. qhu
20. mbcscribe
21. jack
6360323:0025MiniAnn132. qing2
3. Francis
5. bugbiten
6. byans
7. jerryc
8. Buffalo49
9. vetteboy
10. mkbquilter
11. Lisadianne
12. joystick96
13. qhu
14. mbcscribe
15. Mitsuko
16. jack
6360423:3025All-in-Onebluerose2. bugbiten
3. Mitsuko
4. Buffalo49
5. Ann13
6. daimoku
7. Carun
8. optica29
9. Francis
10. jerryc
11. sheema
12. bjdrummer
13. jack
14. qhu
15. IamBlessed
16. Lisadianne
17. mbcscribe
§ = no draft, † = deadly

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