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Past Tournament Details - Lightning

2021-05-02 04:45:00 - 2021-05-02 04:55:00
111x3 6641-51
210x4 20815-90
39x5 26313-100
49x4 23395-100
512x2 2390-51
69x5 18745-100
79x5 28564-80
810x4 562-71
98x5 31754-80
109x5 19514-90
1111x3 16948-80
129x4 20126-90
138x5 14687-100
1410x3 14306-71
1513x1 23038-80
1612x2 2764-51
1712x2 28917-81
188x5 9343-71
199x5 10994-100
2013x1 13231-61
2112x2 26088-61
228x6 4569-90
2312x2 17548-51
248x6 11535-90

#PlayerGames WonFinish Time

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