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Past Tournament Details - Skeet Shooting

2022-10-26 07:00:00 - 2022-10-26 07:55:00
18x3 3208-71
25x7 6244-22
38x2 7105-31
410x2 8426-121
57x5 23030-101
67x5 8298-91
79x3 24460-91
86x6 12597-81
99x2 2307-80
108x4 14167-71
116x5 24621-41
128x4 13355-101
139x2 19271-91
1410x1 25893-90
158x4 19154-91
168x4 32735-81
179x3 16168-111
187x5 32095-91
196x5 31186-51
208x4 2875-111
219x1 23327-21
2210x2 31973-111
239x3 5845-71
247x3 2870-31

#PlayerGames WonFinish Time

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