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Past Tournament Details - Lightning

2022-10-27 14:45:00 - 2022-10-27 14:55:00
112x2 16038-72
213x1 30424-51
39x5 23849-50
48x5 6494-60
510x4 7730-51
68x6 25119-70
79x4 4606-50
810x4 5724-100
99x4 5345-80
1012x2 19887-61
1112x2 726-101
1211x3 16368-100
138x6 3126-50
1410x3 4527-60
1512x2 10798-101
1612x2 9894-80
178x6 13339-90
1811x3 30231-51
199x4 8312-50
209x4 12857-70
2111x3 17187-51
2210x3 967-50
2311x3 11121-91
2413x1 22372-80

#PlayerGames WonFinish Time

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