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Past Tournament Details - Lightning

2022-10-27 23:45:00 - 2022-10-27 23:55:00
19x5 26754-80
212x2 16561-81
38x6 18275-60
49x5 21499-60
59x4 6658-50
69x4 12553-90
713x1 21905-60
813x1 851-70
910x3 7721-91
109x4 865-60
1112x2 4063-70
1210x4 2820-60
139x5 7390-60
149x5 5507-100
1513x1 24605-100
168x5 18462-100
179x5 16101-80
189x4 27621-80
1911x3 29887-60
208x6 12019-80
219x4 25763-90
2212x2 19257-70
2310x3 4804-70
249x4 1392-100

#PlayerGames WonFinish Time

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