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Past Tournament Details - Skeet Shooting

2022-11-24 04:00:00 - 2022-11-24 04:55:00
18x4 19973-111
27x4 30087-40
38x4 15100-70
44x10 5658-50
59x1 25442-30
67x5 29109-100
77x4 27860-40
89x1 29299-20
98x2 12516-30
107x4 11264-40
119x3 23177-80
126x5 16248-50
136x4 4004-20
148x2 4124-10
156x5 32201-60
167x3 11798-10
174x9 24435-30
188x4 25239-70
199x2 30702-80
207x4 9000-60
216x5 11975-40
227x4 31673-50
237x5 3006-70
247x4 18636-40

#PlayerGames WonFinish Time

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