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Past Tournament Details - Skeet Shooting

2023-06-23 01:00:00 - 2023-06-23 01:55:00
19x2 21948-92
26x5 9031-50
37x4 3954-41
47x5 29710-91
58x4 19455-111
65x7 22570-13
77x5 452-101
88x3 19166-73
97x5 15570-112
107x4 13164-42
119x2 12217-93
126x4 6096-30
135x8 11144-53
147x3 5984-22
1510x1 19752-80
169x3 27185-73
176x5 13470-50
187x4 27328-53
194x10 2174-41
2010x2 14447-103
219x1 4796-31
227x4 1410-53
237x5 14554-111
244x10 21423-63

#PlayerGames WonFinish Time

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