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Past Tournament Details - Lightning

2023-11-08 05:45:00 - 2023-11-08 05:55:00
19x4 20418-90
210x4 22189-90
39x4 27126-91
48x6 27687-80
58x5 18581-71
610x3 24741-80
710x4 21051-70
88x5 17607-80
99x4 21124-100
1013x1 27529-70
118x5 18209-80
1211x3 8163-70
139x4 31694-80
1410x3 23819-50
158x6 13881-50
169x4 24702-80
1713x1 8481-81
189x4 25382-50
198x5 16108-50
209x5 4470-91
218x6 1658-60
228x6 5120-70
2311x3 5442-50
248x6 13281-100

#PlayerGames WonFinish Time

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