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Subject: got any favorite quotes?

Date: Sat Jun 11 23:05:21 2022
User: sgmsgmsgm
I read this one very recently somewhere on the internet, it's attributed to Galileo - "You cannot teach a man anything, you can only help find it within himself.” I have no idea if it really was Galileo, but I like it.

Date: Mon Jun 13 12:43:58 2022
User: TNmountainman
"The art of being wise is the art of knowing what to overlook." -- William James

Date: Mon Jun 13 20:43:34 2022
User: julia
“Electricity is actually made up of extremely tiny particles called electrons, that you cannot see with the naked eye unless you have been drinking.” ― Dave Barry “Your hand and your mouth agreed many years ago that, as far as chocolate is concerned, there is no need to involve your brain.” ― Dave Barry “Dogs feel very strongly that they should always go with you in the car, in case the need should arise for them to bark violently at nothing right in your ear.” ― Dave Barry “It always rains on tents. Rainstorms will travel thousands of miles, against prevailing winds for the opportunity to rain on a tent.” ― Dave Barry

Date: Fri Jun 17 21:31:13 2022
User: TNmountainman
"I gained nothing at all from Supreme Enlightenment", and for that very reason it is called Supreme Enlightenment." -- Buddha

Date: Fri Jun 17 23:08:54 2022
User: olblue
A helicopter doesn't fly. It beats the air into submission.

Date: Tue Jun 21 14:20:05 2022
User: AbelardLindsay
"You silly fool, you can't change your fate" --Chic, Good Times

Date: Wed Jun 22 04:30:34 2022
User: TNmountainman
"Blues is easy to play, but hard to feel." -- Jimi Hendrix "I've said that playing the blues is like having to be black twice. Stevie Ray Vaughan missed on both counts, but I never noticed." -- B.B. King

Date: Wed Jun 22 17:20:46 2022
User: primroseburrows
"Before everything—before even humans, there were stories. A creature at a fire conjuring a world with nothing but its voice and the listener's imagination. And now, me, and thousands like me, in little booths and rooms, at mics and screens all over the world, doing the same for a family of listeners, connected—as all families are—primarily by the stories we tell each other. And after—after fire and death, or whatever happens next—after the wiping clean or the gradual decay—after the *after*, when there are only a few creatures left, there will be one, at a fire, telling a story to what family it has left. It was the first thing, and it will be the last. Stay tuned next for more stories being told to you, all of the time, whether you are aware of them or not." —Cecil Palmer, Welcome to Night Vale

Date: Sat Jun 25 10:39:30 2022
User: outskirts
Henny Youngman, funny dude They're all good, but the one that made me laugh out loud was the one about dancing on pointe. (Why don't they just get taller girls?)

Link: 21 Great Quotes By Henny Youngman That Will Make You Laugh Yours

Date: Sat Jun 25 10:42:28 2022
User: outskirts
21 Great Quotes By Henny Youngman That Will Make You Laugh Yourself Sick ...is the complete title

Date: Sat Jul 2 04:07:55 2022
User: Klepp
"...we don't have to take our clothes off to have a good time, oh no, we could dance and party all night, and drink some cherry wine...uh-huh..."--Jermaine Stewart

Date: Sat Jul 2 04:35:56 2022
User: redberet
movie quote, unknowns "Why did you shoot at him?" "Cuz, I thought I could hit him."

Date: Mon Jul 4 07:37:08 2022
User: outskirts
"Age is just a number, and mine's unlisted." --- heard in an ad for boost protein drink

Date: Mon Jul 4 07:39:30 2022
User: outskirts
I guess younguns wouldn't know what an unlisted number is. Lol

Date: Thu Jul 7 03:12:00 2022
User: HopDiriDiriDattiriDittiriDom
"Out of intense complexities, intense simplicities emerge" Sir Winston Churchill

Date: Thu Jul 7 06:27:46 2022
User: ixtapolapoquetl
Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge Charles Darwin

Date: Fri Jul 8 06:24:24 2022
User: TitanicTony
Money isn't everything, but it is way ahead of whatever is in 2nd place.

Date: Fri Jul 8 16:06:44 2022
User: Klepp
"...nuffa yer fartin' around..."--my grandma to me back in the day, when shenanigans were the day's activities

Date: Fri Jul 8 16:21:27 2022
User: redberet
It's not my favorite but it's memorable to me. "Roll out of bed, rise and shine."

Date: Mon Jul 11 18:53:07 2022
User: Paul-Eisenhauer
"colder than a witch's tit" It makes perfectly good sense. Flying through the air on a broom on a frosty October night. Brrrrr

Date: Mon Jul 11 19:23:37 2022
User: Ideasbrewing
Technology changes, people don’t. You don’t have to wait for everything to be perfect before you choose to be happy. It’s not what you don’t know that gets you in trouble. It’s all the things you KNOW that you know, but really don’t, that get you in the end. All unknown. They just got stuck in my brain.

Date: Mon Jul 11 19:52:45 2022
User: DAB
You a communist? Huh? How'd you like it, man? They tell you all the time what to do, what to think, what to feel. Do you wanna be like a sheep? Like all those other people? Baah! Baah! Oliver Stone via Tony Montana

Date: Tue Jul 12 05:50:24 2022
User: JackK
One I always liked, "When all is said and done, more is said than done"

Date: Tue Jul 12 06:53:00 2022
User: TitanicTony
@ JackK. Excellent! ..... AND, the older I get (currently only 83), the more I say, and the less I do!

Date: Tue Jul 12 08:10:06 2022
User: outskirts
"I'm too broke to pay attention." --- one of my bumpkin friends

Date: Tue Jul 12 12:38:33 2022
User: BuzzClik
"Since we don't control the air, our good air decided to float over to China's bad air. So when China gets our good air, their bad air got to move. So it moves over to our good air space. Now, we got we to clean that back up." ---Herschel Walker

Date: Tue Jul 12 12:43:16 2022
User: redberet
"I don't know much, but I do know more than you." A. Bumpkin

Date: Tue Jul 12 13:55:37 2022
User: Kumquat-of-Conciliation
Hard to beat Herschel's eloquence. And...........most people don't know this..............but he also used to be a heckofa football player, too! What a guy!

Date: Tue Jul 12 16:05:54 2022
User: JackStraw
The secret to life is honesty and fair dealing. If you can fake that you've pretty much got it made. Groucho

Date: Tue Jul 12 16:41:52 2022
User: spugeddy2
For you fellow oldsters: I ain't as good as I once was, but I'm as good once as I ever was -- Toby Keith

Date: Tue Jul 12 17:35:55 2022
User: MrFixit
I snarfed quite a few of these.

Date: Wed Jul 13 12:59:46 2022
User: TNmountainman
"If people can't control their own emotions, then they have to start trying to control other people's behavior." -- Robin Skynner, as related by John Cleese in the link posted by ix in the "random posts" thread on Monday. [FWIW...........the pic of Cleese accompanying the article is (I'm pretty sure) from him doing a version of "Ministry of Silly Walks", which was one of my faves. Hope the link below works.]

Link: Ministry of Silly Walks

Date: Wed Jul 13 13:20:06 2022
User: BuzzClik
I saw that "skit" on YouTube once and, absence of context. I assumed it was a documentary on the disproportionate spending in the British government. It makes more sense now.

Date: Wed Jul 13 14:00:40 2022
User: redberet
"In retrospect it becomes clear that hindsight is definitely overrated!" Alfred E. Neuman

Date: Wed Jul 13 14:18:37 2022
User: Cooperman
Lady Astor to Churchill: “If I were married to you, I’d put poison in your coffee.” Reply: “If I were married to you, I’d drink it.”

Date: Wed Jul 13 18:50:49 2022
User: outskirts
To which she replied, "May your wet dream become a nightmare".

Date: Wed Jul 13 19:28:02 2022
User: TNmountainman
mrbuck posted this last year on the "really different covers" thread. I would think the members of Ladysmith Black Mambazo would be excellent employees of The Ministry of Silly Walks, either in England or South Africa, with minimal training, should they so choose. Just a thought, altho likely their talents are better used for dancing instead of mere walking.

Link: Potential candidates for the Ministry?

Date: Wed Jul 13 21:56:28 2022
User: redberet
" " Silas Golden

Date: Mon Jul 18 18:53:04 2022
User: TNmountainman
"The zoo opens up a whole new world for the animals. In the wild, they would never experience boredom, obesity, loss of purpose -- you know, the American dream." -- Bart to Lisa, on "The Simpsons"

Date: Wed Jul 20 03:42:03 2022
User: cellmate
"Eat any good books lately?" -- Q to Worf

Date: Thu Jul 21 03:51:51 2022
User: Jude
Douglas Adams author of Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy: 'I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be.'

Date: Thu Jul 21 10:52:12 2022
User: outskirts
"I'm a very stable genius."

Date: Sat Aug 6 14:20:14 2022
User: HopDiriDiriDattiriDittiriDom
"That's a good place to stop" Michael Penn - Math Professor

Date: Sun Aug 7 03:35:26 2022
User: TNmountainman
That reminds me of what one of my Organic Chemistry profs used to do on the blackboard (yes) while teaching. After we had (supposedly) mastered most reactions, and were learning (again supposedly/hopefully) stringing them together to make complicated molecules, he would write out the schematics of a long series of steps for some synthesis. Then at some point, he would just stop, put down the chalk, and say, "....and you know how it goes from there". As if. We would all just look at each other. And he did that repeatedly. Yeah, *he* thought it was a good place to stop. LOL.

Date: Sun Aug 7 03:45:57 2022
User: HopDiriDiriDattiriDittiriDom
"... on the blackboard (yes) while teaching." The blackboard is still being used today. Michael Penn (his quote above) puts his videos teaching on the blackboard on Youtube. See the link for example. And he always finishes them with his quote above.

Link: Michael Penn teaching on the blackboard

Date: Sun Aug 7 04:26:36 2022
User: TNmountainman
I used to love geometry in h.s. - and actually placed in a state math contest in it. So altho rusty, I was able to follow all that, even tho I had completely forgotten the power of the point thing. You probably didn't see it, but I posted some stuff in a thread two years ago, about how valuable a specific kind of Japanese chalk is, and how it's being hoarded. I had somewhat(?) accepted james's and ejchap's comments about it not being used anymore.

Link: hoarding primo chalk, vs. whiteboards

Date: Mon Aug 8 08:39:45 2022
User: RosieScenario
"Orville Wright didn't have a pilot's license."

Date: Mon Aug 8 13:20:16 2022
User: redberet
Lionel Barrymore movie quote on being told, you must have some very influential friends. "None that I can recall being on speaking terms with."

Date: Tue Aug 16 17:45:45 2022
User: TNmountainman
"I can sum up in three words what I've learned about life: it goes on." -- Robert Frost

Date: Mon Aug 22 12:23:04 2022
User: BuzzClik
About that Ben Franklin quote concerning wine, beer, and bacteria in water: Seems unlikely. The term "bacteria" was coined as a scientific term about 50 years after Franklin's death. It's a fun quote, just not Ben's.

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