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Subject: what is your least favorite traditional Thanksgiving food item?

Date: Mon Nov 27 20:39:17 2023
User: Aletta2

Candied yams

Date: Mon Nov 27 21:23:10 2023
User: Lancer

Brussel Sprouts

Date: Mon Nov 27 23:06:04 2023
User: bertha

sweet potatoes with marshmallows.

Date: Mon Nov 27 23:37:03 2023
User: Rocky1

Fake mincemeat pie.  Most people today have never tasted real mincemeat like my grandmother made with venison from grandpa's annual deer hunt, beef suet because venison can be dry, spices, apples, raisins, whiskey. Unfortunately, the recipe was lost; I wish I had it today.

Date: Tue Nov 28 00:12:58 2023
User: rashpal

Anything with squash.

Date: Tue Nov 28 00:26:58 2023
User: Compostman

I grew up grinding fresh cranberries with sugar and orange peel and still love it! The first time I saw and tasted the crap in the cans, I understood why so many people don't like it.

Date: Tue Nov 28 01:18:26 2023
User: VickiB

Anything pumpkin-flavored. Gag me with a spoon.

Date: Tue Nov 28 03:50:58 2023
User: sprucegoose

hibdibblyabob made a list (twice) of all the traditional Thanksgiving foods I don't like. 

Date: Tue Nov 28 04:16:37 2023
User: Katya

Not a fan of the green bean casserole with French onions - too salty and don't like mushrooms  -but some families members love it so we always have it. Also just the thought of mincemeat pie, thank you, NO!

Date: Tue Nov 28 04:24:27 2023
User: Katya


     A two-way tie with green beans and mincemeat.

     With pumpkin and cranberry a close second.

I think if I gave a Thanksgiving dinner party for you folks we'd be having, mashed potatoes, corn and apple pie.

Date: Tue Nov 28 05:42:14 2023
User: Happylittlesu

Please interpret for a Brit.  Is mincemeat a sweet thing with dried fruits and suet?  Here, mince pies like that, dusted with icing sugar, are an Xmas thing that one leaves out for Santa - boxes appear in the shops from October.  Someone once explained to me that US thanksgiving is all about being grateful they beat the Brits, and why not.

Date: Tue Nov 28 07:19:06 2023
User: jloan

Sweet potatoes with marshmallows. I never liked marshmallows. I prefer just sweet potatoes.

Date: Tue Nov 28 07:20:57 2023
User: outskirts

There was a green jello-coolwhip concoction with assorted fruits in it, called watergate salad, that I used to like. Would not touch it now. Tastes change. And mum even though your 3 bean casserole was superior to others, and I always faked liking it... because it was your Canadian piece of resistance... Yuck, maybe not on T day? 

Date: Tue Nov 28 08:15:55 2023
User: windriven

Pumpkin pie and by extension anything incorporating "pumpkin spice."  Now I loves me some cinnamon, use nutmeg in baked goods regularly (and grind my own using whole nutmegs and a microplane), and couldn't live without ginger, especially in savory foods.  Even cloves, generally loathsome, have a place in corning beef.  Put them all together and the result is fit only as a purgative.

Date: Tue Nov 28 08:54:44 2023
User: Picas

Stuffing. I like just the turkey meat. 

Date: Tue Nov 28 11:07:21 2023
User: Happylittlesu

Please interpret for a Brit.  Is mincemeat a sweet thing with dried fruits and suet?  Here, mince pies like that, dusted with icing sugar, are an Xmas thing that one leaves out for Santa - boxes appear in the shops from October.  Someone once explained to me that US thanksgiving is all about being grateful they beat the Brits, and why not.

Date: Tue Nov 28 11:42:59 2023
User: BarticusKastorianus

1. Sweet potatos

2. Cranberry sauce

Never touch either one.

Date: Tue Nov 28 12:07:17 2023
User: ephraimtx

Date: Tue Nov 28 12:08:00 2023
User: PatP

The worst? Tofurkey!!! My sister-in-law brought some one year and it was dreadful.

Never again. Even if you tell me that the stuff has improved, I have no wish to try it

Date: Tue Nov 28 12:26:12 2023
User: Nadine

green bean casserole--yucch

Date: Wed Nov 29 02:33:50 2023
User: HopDiriDiriDattiriDittiriDom

Speaking of pumpkins, this is my favorite sweet.

Date: Wed Nov 29 06:19:45 2023
User: GoAdoptADog!


mincemeat isn’t super common TG dish in the states, at least where I am (southern U.S.) I’m not sure it’s common any day, rlly. Here, those who make it for TG are (often) prob either from elsewhere or, in my mind, v traditional or even fancyish. Like, maybe the waspy sort who talks about tracing their family back to colonial times or the Martha Stewart-y types. (No judgement-I love Martha lol) 

That’s just my take tho &huge generalization, just haven’t seen it a lot. Some of my best pals/a few roommates were from places outside the U.S, notably France, London, &Cairo, Egypt- and what struck me abt each is they cooked more regularly in their 20s than I ever will. Also all the tea, ha

TG is actually meant to honor the day early settlers, aka pilgrims, came here and feasted w the Natives who shared crops w them. They were “thankful” for the food they received. ..Its a fairly problematic day bc after that the colonists didn’t seem v grateful to the natives at all, but I won’t go into all that bc its too nightmarish for a light topic. Anyway it’s v weird in hindsight but well intentioned if you squint your eyes / don’t look too closely.. maybe a little like y’all’s guy fawkes day in that regard. (Not comparing tragedy, just irony. ..TG way worse in both) 

Date: Wed Nov 29 15:52:54 2023
User: ch9an19

Turkey.  I stopped eating meat in 1971.

Date: Thu Nov 30 15:10:10 2023
User: redberet

I've been pretty successful at suppressing the memory of peanuts and raisins in my childhood stuffing. Thanks MrFixit for bringing them back.

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