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Subject: Denny, possible security risk???

Date: Sat Jan 20 15:59:37 2024
User: Ellie2

I've been getting this message several times:

Warning: Potential Security Risk Ahead

Firefox detected an issue and did not continue to www.freecell.net. The web site is either misconfigured or your computer clock is set to the wrong time.

It’s likely the web site’s certificate is expired, which prevents Firefox from connecting securely. If you visit this site, attackers could try to steal information like your passwords, emails, or credit card details.

I think that the Date/Time on my computer are fine.

Anybody else?

Date: Sat Jan 20 16:08:54 2024
User: Uberman

I like to think potential attackers would get sidetracked by the sheer number of variants on offer here, completely forget to steal your credit card info, and instead start obsessing about their ELO. 

Date: Sat Jan 20 16:24:48 2024
User: ddoss

I got the bad certificate notice several times today.   However, when I refreshed the web page it went to freecell just fine.   But it keeps happening.   I think the problem, whatever it is, is on Freecell's side. 

Date: Sat Jan 20 17:29:25 2024
User: scottp

Me too, probably because the security certificate has expired. 

However, I am also experiencing my game being interrupted multiple times. I have to refresh the page because the message of the fortnight pops up, but without any text, and no button. Refreshing the page at least gets me the continue button.

Date: Sat Jan 20 17:34:38 2024
User: kenwa

Yes- have to keep refreshing everything and play games over and over which is really annoying

Date: Sat Jan 20 17:48:51 2024
User: julia

I've gotten it too.  Also the Error communicating with Netcell server...a lot.  I'm not timing out.

Date: Sat Jan 20 20:38:00 2024
User: roo

Not a good idea to be playing 11x0s when this happens but fortunately I got through.

Date: Sun Jan 21 09:46:59 2024
User: MrFixit

Is it better today? I hit it a couple times myself yesterday but it seems to have healed itself from what I can tell. No idea.


Date: Sun Jan 21 10:15:39 2024
User: kenwa

yes Denny- no issues today that I've seen

Date: Mon Jan 22 10:37:38 2024
User: GoAdoptADog!

Srry to be a downer but happened to me a few times during last 2 games of 6x9 just now. Not sure it’s same thing tho? It’s happened lots before where I’ll time out, often it’s my connection. 

This time it kept timing out, I’d replay, it’d time out, etc etc.. When I won after it began, I won in a minute & a half or so, then had to replay last moves a few times and it said my finish time was 4:50.

the last game it made me replay a lot more, and from earlier sequences each time. Finally after a timeout I hit save game, then logged out and back in. Did it once more then finally let me finish.

Whenever I time out, (this time and any other,) I get a message that may be for a few reasons: “disconnection from internet, general site flakiness,” or a few other things I forgot, (srry.)

I wonder why others were getting message certificate is expired tho? 

Date: Mon Jan 22 20:32:20 2024
User: Dr.Bombay

My suspicion - if you have used a search engine (Google, talking about you) - there have been some strange results the past few days.  I searched "Costco" on Saturday and the real Costco was the 5th recommendation.  The top 4 were all like from Nigerian Princes or Princesses looking to help me move their fortune to America.  On Sunday, I read an article explaining what might be going on.  Seems like the nefarious website owners are creating and posting lots of web pages because "AI" has taken over picking the recommendations for most search engines and they are based on what the most common web pages are sayin'.  So, create lots of pages with the content you want and voila, suckers are lured in.

So, perhaps Denny's web hosting provider is getting overloaded by companies posting pages like crazy.

Date: Tue Jan 23 03:51:36 2024
User: GoAdoptADog!

Doc, I hope you don’t have malware! Or me! I was also just reading abt similar thing. And you better believe, that ai doesn’t program itself! (Least I hope not, lol- that’d be quite a different problem altogether)  Telecom co’s & big data have a lot to answer for, imo. But I’m also confused by it.

Maybe some tech-wise folks can enlighten me? 

What I read was re: affects from loss of net neutrality.  (https://www.wired.com/story/guide-net-neutrality/ Sure it’s a much more complex issue than I realize and one I know far too little abt for my comfort. Basically- I want to know who I should blame most for ruining my web experience:  “nefarious website owners” Doc mentions, or the ISPs acting as self appointed gatekeepers to entirety of the web. 

I’m not getting same quality of info on sites I used to. Could this be malware or is it now typical of ISPs? Not being political but I remember when a REP. controlled FCC voted in 2017 to abolish net neutrality rules, allowing providers to handle content as they choose. And boy did they like that! 

Ever since, ISPs have been, (most while still claiming to observe/respect neutrality) able to block or allow access to info &sites based on which stand to profit them most. A thing I notice often, infuriatingly. Or is it malware? (Ive been told malware can also cause fake results) 

Date: Tue Jan 23 03:59:56 2024
User: GoAdoptADog!

For instance, I know, as many do, that there should be THOUSANDS of web results on nearly any major topic, ie, my dog’s recent kidney injury. Yet I get maybe 50 results, many of which say same things in similar ways and soaked in [generally idiotic or foul] ads, before I see, “no more relevant results” —a flat out ( /absurdly blatant) lie. 

Ntm, in this case and I’m sure many others- affects real world ability to save a life.

Clearly I’m not a fan, lol. If due to ISPs, to my mind thats abt as fascist as it comes. And reminiscent of tyrannical, long ago days where only wealthy had access to knowledge. 

Still, I’d not want to point fingers / sound disrespectful without being sure it’s for good reason, tho I’m pretty certain the free flow of info and ideas falls under “good reason”. I’ve gen assumed the reason I’m getting such bad results is due to greedy ISPs, but now I wonder if it could be scammers, rather. Or even both?

(*Ps- At end of Oct, FCC voted to reinstate neutrality rules in future. I can only hope it all goes smoothly, tho seems doubtful the web we once knew will ever be the same again)

Date: Wed May 15 16:13:18 2024
User: HopDiriDiriDattiriDittiriDom

I guess this is something not so unusual to see in Florida

Date: Wed May 15 18:23:32 2024
User: outskirts

Yup seen that video a lot, and the one from next door of the same thing. The woman who videoed it from the yard to the right was giggling. She must have been a stupid tourist. Nothing funny there. 

This is the first I've seen it with stupid added commentary. Jumped over the fence. Yeah right we have eyes.

Date: Wed May 15 20:16:51 2024
User: BuzzClik

This is such a bummer. It seems that social media and internet entertainment sites are becoming unreliable sources of information. 

Date: Thu May 16 00:15:41 2024
User: HopDiriDiriDattiriDittiriDom

Are you saying the video is fake?

I read the comments and some people from Florida were claiming they saw the similar scenes with their own eyes. That's why I thought so.

Date: Thu May 16 05:43:57 2024
User: BuzzClik

She is saying the alligator did not “jump” as the voiceover claims. 

(The alligator’s actions fit one of the definitions of “jump”, as in “escape from”, but the gator did not jump in the traditional sense.)

I thought it was fascinating how the alligator used its tail to push itself upward. 

Date: Thu May 16 06:53:46 2024
User: outskirts

I saw two different videos of the same thing. This one without commentary and the one made from next door by a giggling woman. I never thought they are fake. I find stupid commentary to be annoying. I don't need to be told what I'm looking at.  Hop, are you saying you think it's fake? 

Date: Thu May 16 07:15:08 2024
User: outskirts

Lol. In no way did that gator jump over the fence. If buzz wants to think that is an acceptable definition of jump, well he ain't all there. But then I knew that already. He can argue semantics. Personally I feel that stupid commentary is usually just dumb and a form of opinion, if you will, and not necessary at all in the interest of old school Cronkite journalism, or the way its supposed to be. Since the "professionals" do it these days with sickening regularity, every schmoe with a phone thinks he's a pro.

Date: Thu May 16 07:56:11 2024
User: Kumquat-of-Conciliation

Is it possible to say the gator "swayed" over the fence? 🤔

Date: Thu May 16 08:02:34 2024
User: HopDiriDiriDattiriDittiriDom

"Hop, are you saying you think it's fake?"

In this AI era everything is possible. No I'm not saying it. I asked if you're saying something like that. Probably, my English was not good enough to decode what you were saying.

Date: Thu May 16 08:09:22 2024
User: outskirts

It seems to me that buzz was the one saying it's fake. I thought you were asking him. 

Date: Thu May 16 08:13:28 2024
User: outskirts

People living in fancy homes on canals probably have a false sense of security.

Date: Thu May 16 08:58:13 2024
User: HopDiriDiriDattiriDittiriDom

Actually I was aking him but I thought that he replied to you and concluded something like that based on what you said.

Date: Thu May 16 09:30:23 2024
User: outskirts


Date: Thu May 16 09:32:56 2024
User: outskirts

Speaking of homes on canals, I lived in a modest house on a canal. You walked out the back door and hopped in your Boston Whaler to go shopping or eat out. These folks don't seem to have a boat handy. 

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