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Subject: Bad Google! Bad Facebook!

Date: Tue Dec 26 09:44:18 2023
User: BuzzClik

We can talk about pronunciations another time, but I struggle with local, accepted butchery of “foreign” words. Not accents, but true mispronunciations. A mild one is Gruene TX “properly” pronounced GREEN. 


Date: Tue Dec 26 11:41:29 2023
User: GoAdoptADog!

Chan- ugh I’m so annoyed I did that, mostly bc that prob means I’ve done it a lot before. Here’s a strange thing, or maybe not that strange at all, idk, but I notice in my 30s I make more little errors like that. I’ve been a good speller since I was a kid, vocab is decent, and I’m not super worried abt grammar but do tend to care about style. And for whatever weird reason I’ve done that more often these past years.

I can’t think of a good example rn but similar things with mixing words, ala “peaked” instead of “piqued,” not always homonyms but similar mix ups.

I don’t mind the occasional engrained error, (for ages I thought the song was “here I am, *raunchy* like a hurricane”, lol) bc that’s to be expected every now and again. But who knows why I’m now making so many mistakes w words I didn’t before. 

I’d chalk it up to age weirdness but I think I was actually more foggy in my 20s, and feel clearer w most other things. Idk 

I will say tho that I don’t worry too much about these matters on forums. It technically is publishing, but I don’t rlly think of it like that (prob given all the idiotic things I’ve seen on Reddit, ha) and feels more akin to txting a pal, but I’d be a little embarrassed to make similar mistake in a more formal type deal.

Date: Tue Dec 26 12:15:38 2023
User: TNmountainman

We rotate grammar police duties herein.  Makes it easier on mrbuck.  This must just be chan9an19's turn in the chair.  Penalties are generally lenient. Jailtime is quite infrequent. 

Date: Tue Dec 26 12:27:01 2023
User: GoAdoptADog!

And TN, I say “y’all” a whole lot, too. But I mean, different cultures have different dialects and while some words may not be considered “proper” to many, they’re legit enough to some degree once they become used widely enough for the meaning to be generally understood by at least some portion of folks. 

Then there’s all the millennial-born abbreviations / slang that’s somehow both strangling the English language while also uniting folks in a common tongue. (ie, I know it’s spelled “though,” and I prefer “though,” but eventually I decided “tho” online / over txt seems more gracious to the masses of adhd, screen-addicted folks who now wince at a paragraph, lol.)

imho, idk my feels abt it rn, tbh. TLDR: new words, everywhere. lol/ lulz/ rotfl/😂

I couldn’t expect to say “flabblybabbly” and have others know my meaning, (unless I say it in a way that clearly infers definition and sometimes I like seeing words like that actually) but “y’all” and “ain’t” are arguably legit at times, (maybe even more so with all the new nonsense- they’re practically ye Olde English by now, ha) and occasionally may make a more fitting choice. 

I’ve prob used “ain’t” once or twice in a story before. 

Something like “And he ain’t wrong” may even be a more stylish way of driving a point home, depending on the tone of the whole. But I tend to like playful, creative writing that’s more focused on style than rules. For instance, when writing, I frequently start sentences with “and” or “but.”

And ain’t never had a complaint. 

But I’m sure it’ll come.


Date: Tue Dec 26 12:30:40 2023
User: GoAdoptADog!

TN, if I get jail time, does it come with a free cell, at least?

..because I’m working on my free cell game, ya know. 

Date: Tue Dec 26 12:40:25 2023
User: cellmate

maybe in solitaire confinement

Date: Tue Dec 26 13:49:42 2023
User: GoAdoptADog!


dammit cellmate, you topped me! No one is permitted to top me on puns!

Blaurgh. I’ll allow it, but only bc of your name.. Clearly you’ll be my bestie in the slammer.

ps- your conviction is worthy of criminal PUNishment. I hereby sentence you..with the previous sentence. (srry, had to do it.)

Date: Tue Dec 26 14:19:37 2023
User: cellmate

i'll drink the fifth

Date: Tue Dec 26 15:29:39 2023
User: GoAdoptADog!



also funny: that TN was the one who incited all this crime & pun-ishment talk.

No offense TN, but if there’s anyone here I’ve talked to so far who seems like they might kick themselves for missing an easy joke, I think you may be at top of my list. 

But it’s ok tho, You can still stun us if you pun us! 

Date: Tue Dec 26 15:40:45 2023
User: TNmountainman

What did I miss - the solitaire confinement?  Very clever indeed, but I was at a Dr. office, between two appts., and cellmate's quip was only 10 minutes after my lead-in. 

PLUS................we have a poster here who goes by "Punster", so often he comes around and polishes things off.

Date: Tue Dec 26 16:03:28 2023
User: GoAdoptADog!

Aw I hope you’re not sick, TN. If so, feel better! I sympathize- had the flu last week or so and the weather changes were no help. Hope you’ll be on the mend soon.

And I’ll excuse your lack of puns on account of illness, just pls bring a doctors note next time. Bombay may be available?

Date: Tue Dec 26 16:07:40 2023
User: TNmountainman

I could post the paperwork, if peeps actually doubt it.  But that would be so.....so....guache?  So......peak-ed?  That said..........whilst I will indulge, puns are not my calling card and I find 75-85% of them at least somewhat trite.  cellmate's was not of that ilk.

Date: Tue Dec 26 17:28:12 2023
User: GoAdoptADog!

Yeah, that’s why he’s my bestie.

Date: Tue Dec 26 19:46:53 2023
User: GoAdoptADog!

Also, puns are supposed to be trite. That’s the point of them. 

Date: Tue Dec 26 20:59:51 2023
User: TNmountainman

Oh, didn't mean to come across as complaining, if I did.  I guess I was just pointing out that that "ain't my line of work".  That said...........these pages are littered with me intoning either "pun not intended", or, more likely actually, "pun intended", depending on the apparent worthiness. 😆

Date: Thu Dec 28 03:15:46 2023
User: GoAdoptADog!

Didn’t think youre complaining, and wasn’t scolding..just saying,

bc puns are only a thing bc they’re corny. If a pun isn’t cheesy, it’s prob not a pun. 

And yea haha that sounds right. That’s the only reason I called you out..just seem like you’ve prob made some puns in your time. I personally can never resist em.

Date: Thu Dec 28 18:21:22 2023
User: GoAdoptADog!

TN, another thing, 2 things rlly, re: the social media stuff, and surely the most jarring, is the numerous studies and research linking SM to

1) a huge rise in narcissistic behaviors, and even full scale NPD in general, covert and overt, and also both agentic and communal.

ntm, obvi, all the ADD / ADHD stuff, but while that’s awful- and annoying- the former is far more alienating and cruel. I’m sure many have seen examples of this but it’s not so much the fact of it but rather the degree that creeps me out most. When ppl long thought to be warm and wise suddenly have voices like they’re trying to sell you something, glazed eyed expressions while others speak, don’t listen or care to try, distracted to a point of hostility and/or confusion abt basic stuff, major changes in personality, behavior, values, etc. Yea, .. not a lot of fun to be around. 

2) increase in suicides, and esp at a younger age. Seems clear this has a lot to do with #1, and researchers made the same connection. 

This stuff is no joke. I’ve seen these things personally too many times to keep writing it off as exaggerated or hyped. I’m sure many want to help and make positive changes w this stuff, but how do you rein in a monster once uncaged. At no time in human history, like the doc says, have humans created a tech w toxic effects and then decided not to use it. Doc techies compare it to ethanol’s impact on environment and human health. 

Date: Wed Jan 31 13:45:35 2024
User: redberet

Seems like Zuckaberg learned from the university presidents' congressional testimony. His was truly a moment of monumental contriteness. I don't believe he'll be resigning soon, but I will submit his performance for the Razzies award.

Date: Wed Jan 31 14:06:49 2024
User: BuzzClik

Zuckerberg is being pilloried for making little effort to provide protections for children who access Facebook. I have zero love for Zuckerberg, but Facebook was just the convenient means by which kids carried on their normal emotional abuse of each other. Other platforms are far more popular these days, and kids are still abusing each other -- just as they have done since the dawn of man. Members of Congress require the testimony of powerful, successful people so that Congress can invoke some sort of grandstanding torture. And here's the irony: the Senators (in this case, but the House loves it, too) upload the juiciest snippets of abuse and post them to social media. The tiny fraction of a politician's character that isn't b***s*** is unadulterated hypocrisy. 

We could discuss why Congress feels that university presidents should have the magical power to restrict the voices of their students, but we'd end up in the same place. 

Date: Wed Jan 31 15:55:38 2024
User: redberet

While these guys might have crawled out from under a rock, they weren't born under there. All those initial investments dollars paid for enough studies of human nature, to know that bullying alone carries a certain amount of guaranteed revenue. Forget about Grandpa's old fishing pictures, there's no money there. Saving facebook is what it's about. I'll add them to my thoughts and prayers.

Date: Wed Jan 31 19:13:03 2024
User: GoAdoptADog!

Buzz, that’s a good point re: bullying.

Oddly tho, I didn’t take the doc to mean suicides were up specifically from bullying per se, tho I think it may have been briefly touched on. I think major theme was alienation from less real world interaction. 

Also a good point re: scapegoating.  I’d take it a step further tho and say that’s not just a Congress problem but a human problem. It’s always bugged me how frequently many of us can do that, even in small-scale social situations. It’s like we need someone to be the villain. I’m sorry if I was doing that. I was on a bit of a rant bc I’m getting rlly annoyed at web stuff lately- (I used to be able to hunt down any and all useful info on the web in moments, now it seems like so much bs) 

Its true that’s not rlly FBs fault, nor ZBs, (tho hes prob done some stuff that is his fault) he’s not responsible for how society decided to use the platform. Just like it’s not the fault of most tech creators -or tech itself - how we use it. (Tho there are some who completely infringe on privacy, but we prob cant fully be sure where those orders stem from) 

Rlly I guess with most tech we tend to have this double edged sword where we use it for great things and bad things. And then regardless of how it’s used, very often the worst part can be our tendency to overuse it and forget to some extent how to live life without being entranced with it. This is true for lots of tech. Without the tech, we’d have lots of problems. With the tech, lots of different sorts of problems.

Its not an easy solve and I get that. I know you weren’t scolding me but I’m sort of scolding myself- I’ve always been sensitive abt scapegoating ppl in gen and I think I was accidentally doing that myself. 

Date: Wed May 15 15:53:51 2024
User: TNmountainman

Hard to say how bad(?) this will turn out to be, but it *will* change things..........

News publishers sound alarm on Google’s new AI-infused search, warn of ‘catastrophic’ impacts | CNN Business

Date: Thu May 23 05:13:15 2024
User: TNmountainman

Break 'em up.  Put 'em out of bizness..........

Justice Department expected to file antitrust suit against Live Nation, owner of Ticketmaster | CNN Business

Date: Thu May 23 10:26:16 2024
User: differentDay

+ the usual suspects?

UK watchdog looking into Microsoft AI taking screenshots | BBC News

Date: Thu May 23 16:55:38 2024
User: MrFixit

I could go for seeing LiveNation taken down. I had an issue with Ticketmaster where my son had bought legit tickets, he went to use 'em to get in, the guy at the door said they were no good. So I tried talking to Ticketmaster support for two months trying to get refund. Call center guys kept giving me the run around, saying "it's being escalated, allow 3 business days" and then when I'd contact them asking for status it was like the 1st time they'd heard of the issue.  After 2 months and reading about class action against them I gave up. I think the call center guys are just told to delay and delay and delay and eventually everyone goes away.  It was a simple matter of they just needed to refund $200. 

Date: Thu May 23 18:57:47 2024
User: BuzzClik

What style ticket was your son using? Apple wallet, Live Nation bar code, pdf (not likely)…??

I have seen crashes of all sorts, and witnessed the absurd. A scanner that would not accept any tickets at all (Final Four games in 2023 … that was a bit of a scene); a friend on their maiden voyage with with emailed tickets who printed the QR code to fill an entire 8x11 sheet of paper (unreadable); people with emailed and app-based tickets but no internet/cellular access out in the boonies at an F-1 race; folks who assumed that a screen capture of their ticket was good enough (never is).

And the tiny venue in Portland ME that merely had a paper list of people who bought tickets. “What is your name? There you are. Enjoy the show.”

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