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Subject: got any favorite quotes?

Date: Fri Jan 27 20:49:57 2023
User: TNmountainman
Looks like I was reasonably close. 521 hits for a pitcher is massive. And wow, what a horrible start his (mlb) pitching career was. 'Funny' how getting traded from the Red Sox to the Yankees really turned his career around, huh?

Date: Sat Jan 28 09:12:39 2023
User: outskirts
“I could never imagine ever being a part of something that turned out this beautiful." David Letterman

Link: https://hollywoodlife.com/2022/09/28/david-letterman-son-harry-college-devastated-video/

Date: Sat Jan 28 12:04:20 2023
User: BuzzClik
"Don't blame Conan." ---Jay Leno

Date: Sat Jan 28 16:28:07 2023
User: mrbuck
"No one is blaming Conan." ---Dave Letterman

Date: Sat Jan 28 16:38:36 2023
User: BuzzClik

Date: Sun Jan 29 08:56:35 2023
User: outskirts
"TAKE OFF" Lol @ comments under the video. Such a stupid sketch is "..legend. pure legend" ... and it's so true

Link: https://youtu.be/OJE3EgTGg9k

Date: Mon Jan 30 16:23:19 2023
User: BuzzClik
"You can't cheat an honest man; never give a sucker an even break, or smarten up a chump." -- W.C. Fields, from "You Can't Cheat an Honest Man" (1939)

Date: Sun Feb 5 12:26:37 2023
User: outskirts
When you blow a man's head off with his pants down, Texas ain't the place you want to get caught. Louise (watched Thelma and Louise last night)

Date: Sun Feb 5 18:19:09 2023
User: ch9an19
"No one in this world has ever lost money by underestimating the intelligence of the great masses of the plain people." - H. L. Mencken, 1926 September 18, The Evening Sun; Baltimore, Maryland. (often shortened to "No one has ever gone broke by underestimating the intelligence of the American public.")

Date: Sun Feb 5 20:37:12 2023
User: BuzzClik
"When you find yourself in a hole, stop digging." ---Will Rogers (it's unclear if Rogers truly said this, but it is sage advice)

Date: Thu Feb 9 23:42:32 2023
User: redberet
"I don't hate him, it's just that I know him." Ginger Rogers

Date: Fri Feb 10 06:43:39 2023
User: TNmountainman
"There's no person in the whole world like you, and I like you just the way you are." -- Mister Rogers

Date: Fri Feb 10 06:44:45 2023
User: TNmountainman
"Today they're making pictures I wouldn't want Trigger to see." -- Roy Rogers

Date: Fri Feb 10 06:52:45 2023
User: TNmountainman
"People ask me what I do in the winter when there's no baseball. I'll tell you what I do. I stare out the window and wait for Spring." "I don't want to play golf. When I hit a ball, I want someone else to go chase it." "I don't want to sound egotistical, but every time I stepped up to the plate with a bat in my hands, I couldn't help but feel sorry for the pitcher." "It don't make no difference where I go or what happens, so long as I can play the full nine." "Any ballplayer that don't sign autographs for little kids ain't an American. He's a communist." -- [All by] Rogers Hornsby

Date: Fri Feb 10 09:09:58 2023
User: mrbuck
All good quotes TN. I also noted we have left Hornsby off of our baseball team lists. That may have to be reexamined. mrbuck

Date: Fri Feb 10 09:24:24 2023
User: TNmountainman
That first Hornsby one was just for you, of course.

Date: Fri Feb 10 10:40:44 2023
User: MrFixit
Added a few of those. Thanks.

Date: Fri Feb 10 11:00:36 2023
User: mrbuck
Thanks TN, and I had wondered if you had! mrbuck

Date: Fri Feb 10 12:51:45 2023
User: Klepp
Yeah, I sort of messed up, picking LaJoie and forgetting Hornsby...work in progress...

Date: Fri Feb 10 12:58:43 2023
User: TNmountainman
Judge Landis will take action if he sees fit.

Date: Sat Feb 11 08:13:53 2023
User: outskirts

Date: Tue Feb 14 17:57:18 2023
User: TitanicTony
Old enough to know better, young enough to try again. I've no idea who said it first. {I'm no longer "young enough to try again." Sigh.}

Date: Wed Feb 15 10:48:59 2023
User: TitanicTonys_deckofcards
No longer young enough to try again? Not true based on *my* experience. Sure *feels* like a lot of tryin' is still going on.

Date: Wed Feb 15 13:26:33 2023
User: redberet
I believe that falls under old enough to know better, dumb enough to try.

Date: Wed Feb 15 13:39:31 2023
User: cellmate
TitanicTonys_deckofcards is really TNmountainman in troll mode

Date: Wed Feb 15 13:46:59 2023
User: BuzzClik
That TN is TTDoC is common knowledge. Very well known. Please don't join the person who never stops pointing that out every time TTDoC posts. Denny has chosen not to make an explicit rule against using external aids, but he has made it clear that posting under multiple names (that currently exist) is part of this discussion board.

Date: Wed Feb 15 13:52:25 2023
User: cellmate
Buzz, This thread has nothing to do with playing freecell. And i'm disappointed that you sanction TNmountainman's behavior

Date: Wed Feb 15 13:55:24 2023
User: Kumquat-of-Conciliation
.....Not to mention..........."justice crusader" is a much more apt descriptor. But mostly, seems to me as though he was just pointing out the obvious 'irony' of Tony's statement - and Tony's own obliviousness to it. With a humorous bent, no less. [Hint to cellmate: subscribe to "outskirts' outings" - a free online publication. She sometimes even scoops "Duh" magazine.]

Date: Wed Feb 15 14:00:16 2023
User: cellmate
Kumquat-of-Conciliation is really TNmountainman in can-dish-it-out-but-won't-take-it mode

Date: Wed Feb 15 14:09:35 2023
User: Kumquat-of-Conciliation
LOL. I bow to your clearly keen and superior intellectual perspicacity. I'm sure TNmountainman will agree, if he happens to come across this exchange.

Date: Wed Feb 15 15:23:29 2023
User: outskirts
Why wouldn't a troll approve another troll's trolling? #trollgoals

Date: Thu Feb 16 09:30:53 2023
User: BuzzClik
Back to favorite quotes. This one is relevant to the ongoing conversation: “They want the protected status and ‘perks’ of victimhood without the devastation of being actual victims.” — C.M. Blow

Date: Thu Feb 16 10:51:34 2023
User: redberet
That's the first time I've heard of a plus side for victims. What kind of perks is he talking about? With a name like that, he sounds like a perpetrator.

Date: Thu Feb 16 11:15:54 2023
User: BuzzClik
Note the quotes. Claiming to be a victim can draw empathy and supportive actions, even when you aren't a victim. For example, with the attention given to the consequences of online bullying, simply claiming to have been subjected to bullying can alter the landscape, even if it's a complete fabrication.

Date: Thu Feb 16 12:19:01 2023
User: redberet
It is true a purported victim with a gaslighter conveniently nearby does detract and distract from the real thing.

Date: Thu Feb 16 12:32:11 2023
User: outskirts
"Stop begging! It's so unattractive." ----outskirts She's had to say it so many times. Just the first part doesn't work. You have to add the second part.

Date: Sat Feb 18 13:49:14 2023
User: redberet
"I'd sleep all day if I could if it didn't keep me awake at night." Marion Davies

Date: Mon Feb 20 02:04:41 2023
User: Klepp
"I have an exposition of sleep come upon me."--Shakespeare

Date: Mon Feb 20 16:14:49 2023
User: calicokid
Happy wife Happy life. Happy husband, who cares?

Date: Tue Feb 21 01:10:52 2023
User: TNmountainman
"Stop begging! It's so unattractive." ----outskirts I truly can't say it's one of my "favorite" quotes, but it keeps popping into my brainbone because it's seemingly 'unattached' to anything. Yes, I'm sure it makes sense to *her*. Maybe a response to something earlier in this thread; maybe some movie or tv show, but I think not since she takes credit. I just think it's quite funny because it seems to be out of nowhere. And yes, I know I'll take the blame "'cause it's not funny if it has to be explained". LOL.

Date: Tue Feb 21 01:32:45 2023
User: Klepp
"I find your lack of faith disturbing."--Darth Vader

Date: Tue Feb 21 01:49:02 2023
User: redberet
"Go home to your wife, she's the one who took you for better or worse." Gidget

Date: Tue Feb 21 08:57:38 2023
User: BuzzClik
TN -- It's interesting how so many of the quotes in this thread are insults. Some are mild, some vague, and some are vicious. I think the insulting quotes are popular because most of them intertwine humor, giving the barb a finer point. I remember when the quote you gave above appeared on a thread recently -- not as a quote but simple comment just thrown out there. The lack of context made it interesting; it just hung there like a mud dauber's nest on a brick wall. I wonder if that one is not an insult at all but some form of self reflection, maybe a mantra. I could see it as recognizing that constantly seeking attention, validation, or affirmation is a form of begging and the author is pleading internally to stop.

Date: Tue Feb 21 11:40:17 2023
User: TNmountainman
oooh............that's deep. I actually thought 'along' those lines a bit, but not as far down the road as you. However, I *did* go so far as to search this forum for one of the key words within that quote (hint: it wasn't "unattractive"), and could find no other recent usage of it. (And just now repeated that search, to no avail.) Yet somehow it did remotely seem familiar. So that's part of the mystique(?) of it. Your theory is compelling - taken with all the other evidence embodied within these discussions. Thankfully................if'n I recall correctly..................we have folks here "on staff" who are at least semi-qualified to do such diagnoses - should they deign it worth their while, of course.

Date: Tue Feb 21 15:52:11 2023
User: drscience
"He not busy being born, is busy dying." Bob Dylan

Date: Thu Feb 23 14:27:11 2023
User: redberet
"Kingfish, if you don't give me my money back, I'm going to punch you in each eye, then I'm going to punch you in the mouth, then I'm going to take a stick and crack your head. In other words, I'm going to close everything that's open and open everything that's closed." Amos and Andy

Date: Thu Feb 23 20:43:58 2023
User: outskirts

Date: Fri Mar 3 07:31:23 2023
User: mrbuck
While the cat’s away the mice will dine on the finest Stilton untrammeled by the constraints of dingey commerce. -Henry Crabbe, Pie in the Sky

Date: Fri Mar 3 08:00:39 2023
User: Katya
A Winston Churchill quote that might be appropriate in this day and age: Some men change their party for the sake of their principles; others their principles for the sake of their party

Date: Fri Mar 3 19:49:37 2023
User: Klepp
"...just like the old man in that book by Nabokov."--Sting

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