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Subject: got any favorite quotes?

Date: Thu Sep 7 13:37:58 2023
User: BuzzClik
"raise boys and girls the same way".  Good luck with that. 

Date: Thu Sep 7 15:52:07 2023
User: TNmountainman

"action causes more trouble than thought"?  Sorry - that was Capt. Obvious who first came up with that, not Jenny Holzer.

Edit/addition: "don't put to [sic] much trust in experts"?  Seriously?

Hate to tell you, euler (sorry - I earlier wrote "pi" - knowing better but still did it), but that list is pretty bogus.  Some truth there, sure, but maybe not all that much, relatively speaking.

Date: Fri Sep 8 00:18:16 2023
User: cellmate

Fail better next time

-- Samuel Beckett (inspired by)

Date: Fri Sep 8 08:38:20 2023
User: BuzzClik

e …. as in Elmer or Eloise. 

Date: Fri Sep 8 10:26:42 2023
User: TNmountainman

......As opposed to "E" - Elvin Hayes.

Date: Fri Sep 15 08:20:22 2023
User: outskirts

It's a tough universe. There's all sorts of people and things trying to do you, kill you, rip you off, everything.

Ford Prefect

Date: Fri Sep 15 11:11:57 2023
User: TitanicTony

Two of my alltime favourites are:

Iiotio = It isn't over, 'til it's over.


Iiwii = It is what it is!

Date: Mon Oct 23 05:33:49 2023
User: HopDiriDiriDattiriDittiriDom

Frank Zappa - "Governments are the PR departments of the military-industrial complex."

Date: Mon Oct 23 18:58:55 2023
User: sgmsgmsgm

"No matter how I struggle and strive I'll never get out of this world alive." - Hank Williams.

Date: Mon Oct 23 22:14:20 2023
User: GoAdoptADog!

The Jack Handey quote on here about dying peacefully in my sleep like grandpa, not screaming and crying like the passengers in his car, has always been an all time fave. Props to the comedic genius who remembered it to post it. 

Date: Thu Dec 28 19:03:40 2023
User: GoAdoptADog!

Have never seen the H.G. Wells quote abt moral indignation being “jealousy with a halo” !!

V surprised he said that, bc doubt he believed it. Maybe he meant it re: things like rebuking younger generation or religious fanatics chastising every little thing? But surely not politically or societally, being that he was a social critic.  And prob one of the most morally indignant writers of the time, ..sometimes in a cool way.

Date: Sun Feb 25 09:51:55 2024
User: outskirts

"You have to bring something to the table other than your appetite."

Judge Star Jones - Divorce Court 

Date: Sun Feb 25 16:37:17 2024
User: BuzzClik

GoAdoptADog! -- Many of the quotes strike me as odd, but proving that the person never said such a thing is pretty much impossible. I would put the burden of proof on those floating the quotes, but there's too much water under the bridge for that. Every now and then, one of these quotes gets blown apart as impossible for other reasons (e.g., Ben Franklin's quote about beer and bacteria), but it's rare. 

I view these quotes as brain candy. 

Date: Sun Feb 25 23:37:48 2024
User: BrewCrewOldSkool

"These aren't the droids you're looking for."-- Obi-Wan Kenobi (fine Alec Guinness' portrayal).

Date: Mon Feb 26 00:15:32 2024
User: GoAdoptADog!

Buzz, true. I’m guilty of it myself, esp as a teen. I collected quotes and often misattributed / misquoted ppl, but that was drilled out of me in college. The web doesn’t help anyone v much tho—it’s the worst offender. I’ve seen all kinds of great lines misattributed, chopped up &strung together differently than the OG, or worse -completely butchered altogether.

With the H.G. line tho, he could’ve easily said that. I mean moral indignation is annoying in many cases, even rlly harmful, but it depends on the brand. H.G. prob meant it re: gossipy lots, nosy sorts, etc. I could totally see that. Even with unaltered, actual quotes, context is often missing or their point may be made for an opposing agenda than they’d have wished (I mean, look how many different ways ppl take the American constitution, for instance, & the Declaration of Independence) Quotes can also be grouped together in a sort of depressing or overly sarcastic way, and seemingly unintended by the speakers who may have wanted to inspire a different tone.

One frightening thought I realized a while back is the permanent effect the internet could have on future sayings. Like, imagine some kid, young and dumb, writes dumb stuff online, then grows up to be a great thinker, often quoted, and his young, dumb stuff gets thrown in.

How pissed would you be if you were say, Jane Austen, or Dostoevsky, living in this age, and amongst your many great lines you had all these stupid beliefs from your youth to haunt you and touted publicly? It’s odd to think abt, ha. “ Confucius say : lulz, I love cat memes”

Date: Mon Feb 26 00:27:00 2024
User: GoAdoptADog!

Ps- Buzz, omg you should SEE the things one of my relatives believes are from folks. I can’t remember specifically, and this is prob a bad example, but to the tune of someone like Steven Segal (poor example but he likes him so I’m going with him, and I'm pretty sure, from my memory, Segal wouldn’t be that far off, ha) coming up with something rlly famous like,

“if you love someone, let them go. If they come back, they’re yours. If not, they never were.” 

(I picked that line mostly bc I’ve seen this attributed to SO many folks and used SO often, it’s basically become fodder, to my mind anyway.)

Date: Mon Feb 26 04:13:51 2024
User: TNmountainman

I hope you're not implying that Steven Segal did *not* originate that quote.  I've already had enough shattered illusions in my life. 

Date: Mon Feb 26 06:48:20 2024
User: GoAdoptADog!

Maybe it was Van Damme (ha, I typed this jk but I actually think that may be who he originally quoted.. wish I could remember the line tho.) 

*ps, I shouldn’t make fun, but that relative gives me grief aplenty anyway. And it’s not like y’all know who he is so it’s not actually mean since you won’t tease him for it. lol -just had to clarify or else I’d feel guilt.

Date: Thu Feb 29 22:52:58 2024
User: BrewCrewOldSkool

"I would prefer not to."--Melville's title character: *Bartleby, the Scrivener*

Date: Mon Mar 4 06:49:04 2024
User: TNmountainman

"You can't do anything about the length of your life, but you can do something about its width and depth."

  -- Evan Esar

Date: Mon Mar 4 08:04:40 2024
User: outskirts

That's kind of stupid, because there is plenty that one can do about the length of one's life. And at the same time, enrich it.

Date: Thu Mar 14 15:32:30 2024
User: BuzzClik

"This line of work doesn't suit you. Get out before it's too late."

Crazy-8 to Walter White; Season 1 Episode 3, "Breaking Bad"

Date: Wed Mar 20 17:54:10 2024
User: outskirts

"Some people shouldn't have to apologize for being themselves. Some people should."


Date: Mon Apr 22 09:01:12 2024
User: outskirts

Old Southern expression

"He thinks his sh!t don't stink." 

Date: Mon Apr 22 10:47:20 2024
User: rbw--3

"Old Southern expression"

Can that be used as message of the Fortnight?

It's used up North also. Not sure about the origins.

Date: Mon Apr 22 11:16:15 2024
User: outskirts

I would imagine that up north they use the proper grammar (doesn't) but what do I know? I learned it in the south.

Date: Tue Apr 23 12:03:42 2024
User: outskirts

"Who pissed in your corn flakes?"

-said to a grumpy person 

Date: Tue Apr 23 14:04:54 2024
User: BuzzClik

"At this stage, the child is very interested in bodily functions and the libido is focused on the anus and the controlling of both the bladder and bowel."   ---Sigmund Freud

"A person growing old becomes a child again." ---Sophocles

Date: Tue Apr 23 15:45:06 2024
User: outskirts

I see you're fascinated by it

Date: Tue Apr 23 15:45:38 2024
User: outskirts

Date: Sat May 4 20:09:43 2024
User: BuzzClik

“A possum is what Florida would look like if it became an animal.”

—- John Mulaney

Date: Sun May 5 02:09:26 2024
User: TNmountainman

I don't *think* I posted this earlier:

"Education is what you get when you read the small print. Experience is what you get when you don't."

  --  Pete Seeger 

Date: Thu May 9 18:25:32 2024
User: Lindyhopper_Agame

"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. " -- Sir Winston Churchill (1874-1965)

Date: Mon May 27 16:42:18 2024
User: outskirts

"and crawling... on the planet's face... some insects... called the human race...

lost in time...

and lost in space...

and meaning."

---the no neck guy 

Date: Sat Jun 8 09:26:47 2024
User: outskirts

"ooh what a hypotwit"


Date: Sat Jun 8 19:05:56 2024
User: roo

"True equality will only be reached when you can stop talking about it".

Date: Wed Jun 12 17:15:33 2024
User: JackStraw

Either he's dead or my watch has stopped - Groucho

Date: Sun Jun 16 22:41:22 2024
User: TNmountainman

"Neurosis is always a substitute for legitimate suffering."

   --  Carl Jung

Date: Mon Jun 17 12:26:34 2024
User: JackStraw

The only reason for time is so that everything 

doesn't happen at once. - Einstein

Date: Mon Jun 17 13:08:03 2024
User: TNmountainman

As to the above......


Date: Mon Jun 17 16:07:20 2024
User: BuzzClik

I thought we proved that time doesn’t exist? 

As for “coincidence/superstition” quote, 🙄. 

I went a-googling for a scientific theory using the word “coincidence.” Something like, “If two particles have the same frequency of vibration, it’s a coincidence.” I got a lot of hits from the soft sciences, and this was my absolute favorite: “We present a formal definition of coincidences in the context of a Bayesian framework for causal induction: a coincidence is an event that provides support for an alternative to a currently favored causal theory, but not necessarily enough support to accept that alternative in light of its low prior probability.” https://cocosci.princeton.edu/tom/papers/coincidences.pdf Yeah, that smells strongly of scientific superstition.

Date: Mon Jun 17 18:14:45 2024
User: TNmountainman

Well.........."we" didn't prove it.  A certain poster attempted to, however.  I think that was in the 'other' science thread, but not sure.  There were actually some 'interesting' papers/concepts debated therein. 

Shockingly(??)............I actually understand that definition of coincidences you provide.  Kinda ashamed of that, maybe I should say.

Date: Sat Jun 22 19:19:46 2024
User: TNmountainman

"There's a crack in everything.  That's how the light gets in."

   --  Leonard Cohen

Date: Sun Jun 23 15:46:59 2024
User: MikeC

 Fear and regret go hand in hand , but that's what makes us human .  The Warning 

Date: Thu Jun 27 02:13:10 2024
User: TNmountainman

"You have to learn from other people's mistakes because you can't possibly live long enough to make them all yourself."

  --  anonymous (to the best of my discernment)

Date: Thu Jun 27 06:36:48 2024
User: BuzzClik

I prefer making the same mistakes over and over. There's comfort in familiarity. 

Date: Thu Jun 27 16:20:17 2024
User: sprucegoose


"Nobody in the game of football should be called a genius. A genius is someone like Norman Einstein." -- Joe Theismann

It's not Paul Harvey, but here's the rest of the story; it's probably already been posted, but. ..


Date: Thu Jun 27 18:19:15 2024
User: TNmountainman

Can't read your link from my phone since it's not a hyperlink.........but almost certainly it's this:


.......which, yeah, I posted July 29 last year.  Very cool story.

[Edit/update:  Yes, that's the same story I posted last July.]

Date: Sun Jun 30 11:11:53 2024
User: outskirts

"hold your finger on the un-hyper link and see what happens"

Date: Sun Jun 30 12:16:15 2024
User: TNmountainman

WOW. Cool!  Thanks!  Since when did that become available?

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