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Subject: I'm sorry, but that doesn't happen.

Date: Sun Jun 9 18:07:28 2024
User: one_celled

Date: Sun Jun 9 18:09:35 2024
User: one_celled

Someone has 20,000 wins or better. I'm sorry to say this, but that person is cheating.

Date: Sun Jun 9 19:31:50 2024
User: Kumquat-of-Conciliation

If you're referring to PudongPete, yes, we're aware - and he has admitted that he sometimes uses a deck of cards.  Most of us here *do* consider that cheating - but some few(?) don't.   Has been discussed ad infinitum...........to great consternation.

Date: Sun Jun 9 20:03:31 2024
User: ElGuapo
It would be progress if we could at least officially state that using external aids is considered cheating. We still don't have a way to police it though, and sadly we've all probably seen game sites ruined by cheaters. The nice thing here at least is there's a community of people who care about each other and the integrity of the game, so that curbs a lot of cheating and the scores you see are mostly legit. I've just learned to ignore certain names on the lists who I suspect don't play unassisted, and I hope they'll eventually move on and find other outlets for their need to appear better than they are.

Date: Sun Jun 9 20:19:52 2024
User: TNmountainman

^^^^^ Spectacularly well-said. ^^^^^ 👏

Date: Sun Jun 9 23:57:24 2024
User: Lindyhopper_Agame

I will take the, apparently, unpopular position of respect for someone who has twice (maybe 3 times?) won more games in a row than I have ever played (although I just checked and I will hit 20,000 games played this year).

Date: Mon Jun 10 00:13:52 2024
User: TNmountainman

But remember..........his definition of "won" differs from most here, who don't use external aids to help achieve those "wins".  Therefore - depending upon your own definition of "won", of course - he likely *hasn't* (truly) won more consecutive games than you've played.  Just pointing that out.....

Date: Mon Jun 10 01:08:36 2024
User: rbw--3

"Someone has 20,000 wins or better. I'm sorry to say this, but that person is cheating."

If someone has 19793 consecutive wins is that also cheating?

Date: Mon Jun 10 08:45:21 2024
User: outskirts

Lol. How do people know what others' motivations and reasons are for doing what "people" "think* they are doing? Lol. Worry about your own business, I say. 

Date: Mon Jun 10 10:27:34 2024
User: TNmountainman

Since this is a competitive site......when someone cheats, it affects everybody else - thus making it everyone's business.  You know that.  As to motivations and reasons, it's pretty clear the elo chase is all it's about for some - by their own declarations - over and over and over again, no less.  Talking about "payouts" and such.  Going back further in time.......PudongPete (among others) made it clear that a streak preservation was the motivation.

I.E., we know because they've stated it.

Date: Mon Jun 10 11:41:22 2024
User: MikeC

I have NEVER cheated ! Passed 20K some years back .

Date: Mon Jun 10 12:25:50 2024
User: ElGuapo

No one thinks your 12x3 streak is fake, MikeC. They're talking about 20,000 in 8x4.

Date: Mon Jun 10 12:47:14 2024
User: MikeC

OK , but that is not mentioned in the first post . Maybe it got edited out ?

Date: Mon Jun 10 12:55:32 2024
User: Kumquat-of-Conciliation

No, that's just the default mindset for many.  And one_celled has *only* played that variant - so that's the only world they know.

Date: Mon Jun 10 15:15:22 2024
User: MikeC

Ah 8x4 Yea I may have had about 50 streak at one time .  20K is a bit of a stretch though . 

Date: Mon Jun 10 15:41:35 2024
User: rbw--3

"Someone has 20,000 wins or better. I'm sorry to say this, but that person is cheating."

Since I didn't get a response to my prior post asking if 19793 was cheating I'll explain why I asked. rgk's record is 19793 in 8x4. I would assume you also feel he is cheating. For that matter Hop's currently in the 13,000's and I've seen a poster in this thread question if he was playing using a solver (I assume, since his times could not be done with cards). By coincidence the 20,000 streak was assisted with cards, but the premise that it could never be done is wrong. 

     I think you're using your skill level and assuming that a skill level much higher than yours is impossible. For that matter there are players that play so fast you would probably think their play was impossible also. It's setting a bad precedent to start accusing people of cheating because you think their play is too good . Maybe kozman34 packed his bags and left when he saw people speculating he was a bot. That player (or bot) played a few hours a day for 15 years. Part of the bot premise does not seem to make sense.

Date: Mon Jun 10 18:44:27 2024
User: roo

rgk once said "oops" after he lost an 8x4 when his streak was around 13,000 from memory. Denny highlighted that occurrence to make a point about players who wanted their lost streak restored because of an "accident". 

Date: Fri Jun 14 19:40:19 2024
User: outskirts

Can TN and his aliases say "tiresome"? 

Thanks for your knowledgeable post rbw3. It was interesting to read.

Date: Fri Jun 14 19:47:35 2024
User: outskirts

I mean, he uses aliases to make it appear that there are more folks who give a crap, than there really are. Isn't that cheating? I can name at least 5 aliases he uses all the time, and together in the same threads. 

Date: Fri Jun 14 21:32:08 2024
User: BuzzClik

Using grandfathered aliases is explicitly allowed at this website.

Date: Fri Jun 14 22:51:53 2024
User: TNmountainman

Anybody who's been here more than 10 minutes knows such things.  So there's no attempt at creating such an impression.  What's mysterious is why you keep bringing it up again and again and again, as if you were The_Revelator revealing secret information.  I've point blank asked you, at least twice (now at least thrice) why you feel the need to do keep doing that, but you never have an answer.  

I soundly answered *your* question, above, back on June 10, and successfully rebutted your "mind your own business" comment, which apparently you had accepted. 

As I've mansplained before................Kumquat-of-Conciliation serves a particular role.  When he first appeared, it was fun and quirky for a good while, but it was never about deception in any way.  It was never meant to be some big secret.  

Don't forget.......you've used a goodly number of aliases yourself - something I've never had the slightest issue with.

Date: Sat Jun 15 05:39:02 2024
User: BrewCrewOldSkool

Who here other than myself need a timeout?


Date: Sat Jun 15 09:30:40 2024
User: rbw--3

Why do you need a time out BrewCrew?

Sorry for being a wise a$$

Date: Sat Jun 15 10:09:03 2024
User: BuzzClik
<this space intentionally left blank>

Date: Sun Jun 16 01:02:51 2024
User: Dr.Bombay

El Guapo wrote:

"It would be progress if we could at least officially state that using external aids is considered cheating. We still don't have a way to police it though, and sadly we've all probably seen game sites ruined by cheaters. The nice thing here at least is there's a community of people who care about each other and the integrity of the game, so that curbs a lot of cheating and the scores you see are mostly legit. I've just learned to ignore certain names on the lists who I suspect don't play unassisted, and I hope they'll eventually move on and find other outlets for their need to appear better than they are."

Very well said.  And, it's great to know that several of them are self-proclaimed believers in the dark side.  Alas, they still attract followers.  My policy is to ignore them.

Date: Sun Jun 16 03:09:00 2024
User: BrewCrewOldSkool

Like that Modern Family episode set in a Floridian retirement community?

Date: Sun Jun 16 13:31:06 2024
User: MrFixit

I notice no one thinks my results are unbelievable. 

Date: Sun Jun 16 13:43:39 2024
User: Kumquat-of-Conciliation

Well................there's those gaudy 100% winning percentages in both 13x3 and 11x5......     Suspicious?  One wonders. 🤔

Date: Sun Jun 16 14:14:07 2024
User: MrFixit

You got me.

Date: Sun Jun 16 14:55:50 2024
User: Thirty_Faces_of_Eve

I have heard whispers that "MrFixit" is not his real name, nor is that the only name he uses on this discussion board. Dear me!

Date: Sun Jun 16 15:30:40 2024
User: MrFixit

On the original PLATO system there was talk that the 1000+ streaks were system administrators that could reboot the system if they got in jam.  Since then we're realized there are some seriously talented folks at Freecell.

I mean you probably look at my stats and are insanely jealous like "if only I could be like him." Well I deal with some hate, it's my cross to bear.


Date: Sun Jun 16 21:37:36 2024
User: redberet

Well, if it helps, ever since I learned you could leap over 20 decks in a single bound, you've always been my hero.

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