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Subject: Interesting New Music

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Date: Tue Apr 16 14:26:23 2024
User: TNmountainman

Fairly unintelligible, for the "spoken word", pipes up my oft-used comment.

Date: Tue Apr 16 21:06:39 2024
User: BuzzClik

Not surprised you weren't impressed. This was my first exposure to her as a solo act. 

I watched a video of Louisa Stancioff in concert in her hometown "opera house." It was a decent performance. I will probably have to see her in a bar that will not be selling tickets. Could be interesting. 

Date: Tue Apr 16 21:49:10 2024
User: TNmountainman

I didn't actually 'hate' the performance you posted - or not totally.  But I almost also noted that there seemed to be some poseur-esque stuff going on there.  Yet hidden(?) amongst all that I also could also detect talent.

And I completely agree with your comment about the music of Stancioff - that there was very little stylistic range on display.  Yet, I enjoyed it enough to listen to the entire album, which mildly surprised me.  What I discovered was that, at times, there were points that really had me imagining her influences and pathway.  Just that, in itself, is an artistic accomplishment. 

And even tho she's not from anywhere near my neck of the woods..........the fact that I live where I do *is* responsible for my being made aware of her - such is the bounty of opportunities hereabouts.  You may want more of an explanation of that, which I could provide.  Just don't ask for a mansplanation......😁

Date: Tue Apr 16 22:46:19 2024
User: BuzzClik

Explain on! Curious minds …

Date: Tue Apr 16 23:07:14 2024
User: BrewCrewOldSkool

*Shinyribs* was new to me a few weeks ago when I found him (cross-searching *Fargo* playlist)...dude can play for sure (I'm nowhere ahead of any musical curve...

Date: Wed Apr 17 05:47:13 2024
User: TNmountainman

Ok..........Buzz, remember back a year+ ago, when I turned you on to ARC Overnight on WNCW?  And I hinted that there was actually something even better that I was going to lead you into?  Well, I did not forget that, and I guess I owe you some sort of apology for not yet following thru.  My thinking at the time, which I may have alluded to, was to let you absorb that source for a bit, before adding another layer.  And it's been on my "to do" list since then, waiting on an appropriate time to bear fruit.  So I guess this is it.

(Very) locally, there is one of those new(-ish) low-power (LP) FM stations.  I think those only have something like a ridiculously paltry 100W power.  Totally non-commercial and "educational".   Well............the Birthplace of Country Music, in Bristol (on the TN/VA line), applied for and received one of the licenses.  So it is:  WBCM-FM ("Birthplace of Country Music") - see link at bottom.   They have tried hard, twice, to get that license changed to a regular FM license, to no avail.  It can be picked up over the air at 'some' distance, intermittently, but on the order of 10s of miles at best, with good acoustic pathways.  BUT.................they had the foresight to also make it online, so anyone in the world can enjoy it.  And it's just totally boss - hits all the right 'notes'.  It's (almost) *literally* too good to be true.  It's even better than the best PBS/NPR stations, because it's essentially Americana music, with all its roots and branches, 24/7, with occasionally some live performances and/or interviews with artists.  I've noted on these pages at other times how wonderful the Bristol Rhythm & Roots Festival in Bristol is each September. Well, this comes from the same source (sorta, not really, tho).  But they are of the same ilk, and coordinate to some extent.  Better still..................they have 3 separate "channels":  "regular", Americana, and "classic" - but they interchange them all to some extent.  There *are* also some shows, with hosts, mostly during the daytime.  The "classic" is often a bit too country (meaning Nashville and/or Nashvegas) for me, so I usually listen to the "regular" one or "Americana".  The regular one is where the Stancioff came from.  If you liked ARC Overnight, you'll LUUUUV this.  You'll just have to experiment with the channels, and the good thing is one can toggle back and forth between them instantly.  75-80+% of the time there's something I dig on one or more of them.  In fact, it's kinda musical overload for me after a bit.  I will gladly, fully, refund your cost of admission if you don't find things thereon that you'll enjoy. 😁  But it'll take you awhile to really get the feel of it.  This is truly the gold mine of broadcast Americana music.

Listen Live - The Birthplace of Country Music

Date: Wed Apr 17 12:53:50 2024
User: BuzzClik

My taste in country music is a bit narrow, and my knowledge paper thin...

I like that website. I clicked on the Americana tab, and it fired up instantly into several songs by artists unknown to me. Some was pretty good (sort of southern rock; another bluegrass kinda sorta); another was a bit too deep into old-timey country for my taste. But that site has a great feel to it. I can see why you like it. 

There is an NPR affiliate in Colorado Springs (KRCC) that I discovered only after I moved away. It has feel that your website has, but leaning more to the indie rock side of things. (The CC in KRCC stands for Colorado College, a fancy liberal arts college in the heart of the city, so the indie rock vibe stands to reason.)

Anyway, I'll be listening to the Americana station with some frequency. Not sure it will make for good background while I work, but we'll see. 

Date: Wed Apr 17 13:48:35 2024
User: TNmountainman

I should also mention that their playlist(s) (as if....) perhaps skew slightly more to your tastes later in the evenings and overnight.  To say that it's a "country" station would be inaccurate.  They play some country music.  IMO they play stuff that I would NOT call country music moreso - taken as a 24-hour sample.  I would even say they stretch the genre "Americana" past what many would label that all the time.  In fact, I would go so far as to say that my own tastes in "country music" are narrow.

Check it out some at night, too.  And altho this may not be the same for you, I tend to like the 'normal' channel (more eclectic?) over the Americana one - altho they crossover things on them all the time.

Date: Wed Apr 17 14:15:48 2024
User: BuzzClik

Ok, I just brought the station up again. Patty Griffin is playing "Useless Desires." Very nice. 

TN: My discussion of Americana in the context of country music was the result of being told (by someone whose opinion I trusted) as "alternative country." Trusting your brain more than theirs, I went to Wikipedia for a (hopefully) definitive word. It was a good read, albeit a bit fuzzy around the edges. Regardless, I now have a better idea of what to expect.

Date: Wed Apr 17 14:24:33 2024
User: TNmountainman

Yeah, no doubt that "Americana" is a very, very fuzzy categorization - but one that a great many artists are more ok with than "country", or even "alternative country", etc.  It's a grab bag for sure - but certainly including bluegrass and old-time even.  If someone would ask me to define "Americana", I would struggle, for sure.  I like 'only' maybe 60-65% of 'it', if that much.  But..........if you give it a real chance, those "edges" will quite possibly stretch outwards slowly.  Love me some Patty Griffin.

[Edit/P.S. -- trusting my brain 🤯 more than someone else's is a dangerous game.  I hope you have the appropriate safety equipment engaged. ⛑] 

Date: Wed Apr 17 16:02:27 2024
User: BuzzClik

Ninety minutes in, and I'm a convert. They'll never play all of my favorite artists, but they hit John Hiatt, Buddy Guy, Norah Jones, and Neko Case in the first 45 minutes -- all of whom I've seen in concert quite recently. (I saw Neko Case earlier this month and was curious about her transition to Americana -- a long way from the New Pornographers.)

On a lark, I went to the iPhone app store looking for an app, which would be a million times more convenient in a car. Found it. Installed it. 

This station wanders all over the map, from brand new to ancient. But, most of it is new to me. 

Tip o'the hat, TN. I hope others on this board find your discovery interesting. 

Date: Thu Apr 18 14:31:50 2024
User: BuzzClik

Well, the app is glitchy. It doesn't buffer at all, so the stream is constantly being interrupted. The website has a widget associated with it that can be left open in a tab on the iPhone browser. Streaming is really solid on the widget. 

Date: Thu Apr 18 15:07:50 2024
User: TNmountainman

Since I don't 'do' apps, can't help you on that.  I've never had a problem just streaming directly via phone or PC.

Date: Fri Apr 19 21:31:53 2024
User: BuzzClik

An update: the Birthplace of Country Music widget works like a charm with the CarPlay in my car. No pauses, skips, or glitchy behavior. 

In the next few months, I will be in cell tower purgatory (that is, no cell signal). It's SiriusXM or nothing, so I checked out their Americana channel called "North American." ugh. It ranges from Dan Foggelberg to Iron and Wine with a sprinkling of Willie Nelson. 

Anyway, I've been sharing Birthplace of Country Music with my music buddies who lean that direction. At least one of them was in heaven. 

Date: Fri Apr 19 21:43:16 2024
User: TNmountainman


Date: Mon Apr 29 03:18:09 2024
User: TNmountainman

Stepping out of my main groove again............I heard this on ARC Overnight:

Alcohol And Cocainemarijuananicotine (youtube.com)

Extremely simple, almost numbingly so, and derivative, but somehow it seems infectious to me.  Will not win Grammys. 😊

Date: Mon Apr 29 08:45:17 2024
User: BuzzClik

Nice! The Dandy Warhols certainly have been in the trenches for a long time. They've made the journey from indie band to Capitol Records contract and back again. Although they've been nominated for some obscure awards for their music, they have won a couple for accompanying visual production. 

Another product of the Pacific Northwest. 

Date: Sun May 12 14:54:01 2024
User: BuzzClik

This song is new-ish at best, but new to me. 

Cowboys are Frequently Secretly Fond of Each Other

Date: Fri May 17 06:50:35 2024
User: BuzzClik

A new album from one of my favorite indie bands. DEHD is a Chicago band with a handful of albums, and their latest is decent. Unlike most indie bands, they actually have a bit of range in their sound. “Post punk” is most frequently used to describe their sound, but some of their songs could sneak in under the Americana banner. 

Their videos are odd and possibly off-putting, so here’s a bandcamp link to my fave from the new release. 

DEHD, “Mood Ring”

Date: Sat May 18 05:20:57 2024
User: TNmountainman

Here's a splendid, rollicking version of an old tune that could easily go into the "old music" thread, but since it only came out in 2017, and even tho it's centuries old, I think this recording qualifies as "new".  It's basically the same song/theme as "Black Jack Davy" and/or "Gypsy Davy" for you musicologists out there.  And altho this album is The Chieftains, this song is them with Nickel Creek, with the Watkins siblings handling their vocals rather well:

The Raggle Taggle Gypsy (youtube.com)

Date: Sun May 26 08:01:31 2024
User: BuzzClik

BuzzFeed (where, needless to say, I get all my news) recently ran a survey of older adults to find what they are "tired of". It was all fairly predictable, particularly this bit:

"'New music.' There's no artist development anymore, so there's truly hardly any talent out there, and there's also SO MUCH music available that it doesn't seem worth it to seek these artists out, especially since there's a ton of music/musicians I already love."

This is a familiar theme, and we have discussed here many times before: most (but not all) folks lose interest in exploring new music once they get to a certain age. Certain "communities" (and by this, I mean certain mindsets) always enjoy new music, and this is seen in the age distribution of the audience of live shows. Based on my experiences:

In Houston, Chapel Hill, Denver, Indianapolis, Philadelphia: The audience always "age appropriate", that is, very few older folks in small indie venues.

In Portland ME, Austin, Chicage: Nearly always a broad mix. Geezers galore at new indie music, lots of kids at geezer concerts. 

The quote above was generally typical, but this part was annoying: "There's no artist development anymore, so there's truly hardly any talent out there." B*llsh*t. You quit paying attention, so you assume that the system is in a state of decay. 

Everybody should enjoy their music forever without being told they are "old, outdated, and out of touch." But. for the love of god, don't complain about the new stuff because it indicates that you are old, outdated, and out of touch. 

Date: Mon Jun 10 04:46:01 2024
User: TNmountainman

Well...................................................................there's a new kid/band on the block.  Billy's block to be precise.  This weekend I was fortunate to see the band Shadowgrass at a (free) local festival here.  I was familiar with the name, but not their music.   And they are indeed a *fine* chip off Billy's block.  Color me *very* impressed.  The guitarist, Kyser George, is a mere youngster, as was Billy (well, sorta) when I first encountered him.  They're all young, and they're all from "around here" - meaning southern Appalachia - close by to me, actually.  I think two are from very near me, but don't know specifics.  But wow......they have full command of their instruments, and are all full-growed pickers, to be sure.  George and the banjoist, Clay Russell, are probably a small step ahead of the others, but that's kinda nit-pickin' (sorry).  Those two did some *extremely* impressive face-to-face 'dueling'/interplay.  

Afterwards, I was chatting with them, and I noted that it was obvious that they've been watching and following Billy for a while, and they immediately fessed up to that.  And sure enough, they're also friends with Billy, and apparently have been doing some shows with him (see more below).  They're quite humble, relative to their stage presence.  I hesitate to say this.........but they have an utter air of confidence - but just shy of cockiness.  Really remarkable to watch how that plays (sorry again) out.  It totally belies their youth.  They clearly know they've got the sauce rollin'.  They're not afraid to push some boundaries, each other, and take some chances. 

The negatives:  they definitely need a better vocalist/front man.  (Just a vocalist would work.)  And they need to let their material blossom, which I'm sure it will.  (Heck, they're *young*!) Their mando guy (who's doing their vocals now) is maybe *just* short of the two guys Billy's been using in his band since he moved down South - but that's a tough measuring stick.  Is Clay Russell as good as Billie Farthing?  Ummm.......I couldn't *quite* say that, but he's clearly in his league.  Billie probably has more tools in his bag of licks at the moment.  Would need to see more (please).  And.....they ended with "Freeborn Man", the Jimmy Martin classic (altho he didn't write it).  Which norrrmallly would be considered a top rendition.  However, I think Billy has already nailed the doors of that song shut with his take(s) on it.  But that's quibbling.  And that name - "Shadowgrass"?  Too late now to change it, I guess, but there's so many good bands already out there with "grass" in the name, ya know?  It's a crowded field, name-wise.  But don't be surprised if this band, and these guys, aren't in the shadows much longer.

I know this is going on and on, but I don't often regale new talent like this.  I'm not that easy to impress, shall we say.  But these guys sure did.

And so yes.......they've actually done some gigs with Billy, as per the second link below.  The first link is a great example of what I was treated to.  Pure fire, "as the kids say".  LOL.  They're going out West (mostly CO, I think) later this summer, but they're traveling a lot.  So...........if you get a chance.......    Got some growin' to do, but they're the real deal, fo' sho'.

Third link is a tidbit about George when he was even younger.   He had already racked up some plaudits, as of 4 years ago.  In the same way that sometimes Billy strongly reminds one of Doc, George *very* strongly reminds one of Billy.  Absolutely the strongest 'new' flatpicker that's come into my field of view/hearing since Billy.

Shadowgrass - Reuben's Train - 4/13/24 Charleston, SC (youtube.com)

Shadowgrass - Billy Strings Renewal Recap - YouTube

Taking the Lead - Kyser George - Bluegrass Today

Date: Mon Jun 10 07:50:44 2024
User: BuzzClik

Although I am unfamiliar with Shadowgrass, they seem to be on the edge of emerging. Lots of talent and stage presence. Thanks for the links.

They were slated to perform at a small music festival "nearby", and I was considering going. However, the three-hour drive (one way) and another five hours of driving a day later scuttled my plans. It's good to see that they are touring broadly. Maybe I'll get lucky enough to see them soon. 

Date: Tue Jun 18 05:43:17 2024
User: TNmountainman

As they say..............talent attracts talent.  Too bad this is not a higher-quality recording, but it's sufficient to see what's going on.  Some truly filthy licks being laid down:

ShadowGrass with Billy Strings - Freeborn Man - Renewal 2023 (youtube.com)

Doc would approve (Black Mountain is just a short way south of Deep Gap, Doc's homeplace):

ShadowGrass with Billy Strings - Black Mountain Rag - Renewal 2023 (youtube.com)

Date: Tue Jun 18 10:30:26 2024
User: BuzzClik

So refreshing to see amazingly talented artists displaying their gifts in a live performance. Awesome. 


<Please excuse my semi-related tangent>

TN -- I've whined before about indie groups faking the playing of their instruments in concert; man, I really hate that. Sometime recently, somebody posted an old video of Wayne Newton pretending to play his guitar while the studio musician (fully captured by the camera) was actually playing. Here's another example: Linda Lindas, "Found a Job" cover. The singer's guitar is basicly just a big necklace, but the guitarist on the left is simply strangling the strings on the neck while frenetically thrashing; the "studio" guitarist in the back can be seen actually playing the riffs. ugh. 


Back to the original program: ShadowGrass will be around for a while, no doubt. I will catch them next time. 

Date: Tue Jun 18 14:28:26 2024
User: TNmountainman

"Poseurs in pajamas".  LOL.  Yeah, that was so weak.  But David Byrne would be proud(?) that they've realized his concept of "stop making sense".  For a bit I thought the bass player maybe was actually playing the bass, but then why have another one in the background?  Best part of the video?  Maybe the fact that there were subtitled lyrics?

Date: Thu Jul 11 15:30:20 2024
User: TNmountainman

This past weekend, I was fortunate to be able to see Dan Tyminski and his hot, hot band - for free at a local festival.  Perhaps quite a few of you all have heard him sing, but likely didn't realize it.  [Hint:  think George Clooney for one prominent example.  (Another collaborator has been earlier discussed on this board, without Tyminski's name being used, as I recall.)]  Others (esp. those who are into Americana music) are quite familiar with him and his talents - and his historical band members and collaborations.  This is the first time I've seen him in say, 20 years or so, so he had a whole new crop of side talent, and boy are they indeed talent.  As I've noted before (including recently above), "talent attracts talent", and this is another wonderful example.  Resisting the urge.............I won't belabor the individuals here (unless someone wants those deets), as they're easily available online as constant (at least recently) members of his band.  (Or see them introduced in the video below.) They tour a 'moderate' amount, so if you get a chance, you'll be impressed with the absolutely top-shelf musicianship.  I tend to like 'progressive' bluegrass considerably more than "old school" Bill Monroe-esque stuff, and this was probably about 3/4 of the way towards that (the progressive) end of the spectrum.  Uber-tight arrangements, and yet everybody had plenty enough room to show off more than a little.  Very engaging show.  Played 2 hours non-stop and a very enthusiastic standing O.

I almost didn't go as I wasn't feeling very well.  Would have been a big mistake.


About Us — East Nash Grass | Nashville

....is the band - except substitute Tyminski on guitar and a different bass player.  Yes, reads like a hagiography.........but it's actually a quite accurate description.  

Here's a small snippet of the band, but this is much more controlled and structured than a 'real' live show:

Dan Tyminski Band - Full Session | Paste - YouTube

Date: Wed Jul 17 06:12:17 2024
User: TNmountainman

"It has come to my attention"....................that not all are familiar with Dan Tyminski in his more famous personas.  (Those who are are free to zone out.)

Hot Damn! It's The Soggy Bottom Boys! | O Brother, Where Art Thou? (2000) | TUNE (youtube.com)

Avicii Tribute Concert - Hey Brother (Live Vocals by Dan Tyminski and Vargas & Lagola) (youtube.com)

Dan Tyminski - Hey Brother (Official Video) (youtube.com)

Alison Krauss feat Sierra Hull, Dan Tyminski When You Say Nothing at All In Performance at the Wh (youtube.com)

"Bright Sunny South." Alison Krauss and Union Station (youtube.com)

I still don't get the Avicii thing (altho I *can* see the attraction of EDM (a little)), but I guess that's "just me".

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