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Past Tournament Details - Lightning

2022-01-26 05:45:00 - 2022-01-26 05:55:00
19x5 8104-100
29x5 14468-100
39x5 15626-81
49x5 10801-61
58x6 5141-70
68x5 7882-51
710x4 24074-101
812x2 30137-91
910x3 12124-51
108x6 6669-90
1113x1 14483-62
129x5 28988-61
138x6 3058-80
1410x3 26534-101
1513x1 22844-102
1613x1 30897-81
178x6 32233-100
188x6 20849-100
198x6 26665-52
2012x2 27211-101
219x5 29860-60
229x4 2241-70
239x4 3619-51
249x4 22374-100

#PlayerGames WonFinish Time

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