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Past Tournament Details - Lightning

2022-03-20 04:45:00 - 2022-03-20 04:55:00
19x5 8180-70
28x5 20285-100
39x5 28278-51
410x3 25352-91
58x6 9630-70
68x5 30471-70
78x6 10189-81
89x4 9096-70
910x3 22895-90
108x5 1117-70
119x5 27644-70
129x5 12409-51
1313x1 22142-91
148x6 19031-80
159x5 22381-51
1610x4 7897-90
1711x3 29763-100
188x5 19144-70
1913x1 23235-81
2010x4 21076-90
2112x2 1263-71
228x6 13308-60
2313x1 22357-61
2412x2 31413-101

#PlayerGames WonFinish Time

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