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Past Tournament Details - Skeet Shooting

2022-08-02 10:00:00 - 2022-08-02 10:55:00
17x3 11517-12
26x6 14279-81
38x3 19396-73
45x7 1117-12
57x4 3904-42
69x3 32002-94
78x4 29364-114
89x3 28854-113
97x5 2402-112
107x4 6109-42
117x4 29205-62
129x2 16878-71
135x7 29209-32
149x1 16803-11
1510x1 21443-72
169x2 12109-82
177x5 15231-82
1810x1 3064-91
195x8 8357-62
209x2 12185-91
214x10 19113-50
226x5 4902-40
236x6 3232-72
247x3 18020-30

#PlayerGames WonFinish Time

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