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Past Tournament Details - Lightning

2023-06-04 14:45:00 - 2023-06-04 14:55:00
110x3 15631-70
28x5 1666-100
38x5 16478-100
48x6 11458-91
511x3 7756-52
69x4 21691-80
710x4 14728-71
810x4 4153-101
910x3 23448-90
109x5 836-71
1112x2 24492-101
128x5 20766-90
139x5 23184-101
1411x3 7476-51
159x4 11868-80
169x4 3113-90
1710x4 31584-51
189x4 22-80
198x5 26111-90
2011x3 9934-61
218x6 2204-51
228x5 13175-71
239x4 3590-100
248x6 6089-72

#PlayerGames WonFinish Time

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