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Past Tournament Details - Skeet Shooting

2023-09-08 01:00:00 - 2023-09-08 01:55:00
18x3 11485-70
25x7 11158-20
35x7 5115-32
48x2 11082-12
59x2 12642-82
67x5 19595-92
79x3 22865-92
86x5 26342-43
94x10 17244-42
108x3 4891-92
117x3 2398-22
128x4 14435-92
136x6 16992-92
149x2 27497-72
159x3 12772-92
169x1 7455-32
176x6 14147-91
187x4 22143-41
199x1 24234-21
208x2 2593-13
2110x1 1266-91
227x5 14038-110
236x5 21683-52
248x3 429-71

#PlayerGames WonFinish Time

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