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Past Tournament Details - Skeet Shooting

2023-11-01 07:00:00 - 2023-11-01 07:55:00
16x4 8605-23
29x2 23234-83
37x5 32424-102
49x3 9627-113
510x1 1597-73
69x1 19012-23
78x4 13408-83
86x6 9677-93
94x10 9128-62
107x5 21909-112
116x4 10093-13
128x4 12793-83
139x3 32294-102
148x2 32097-22
156x5 612-52
1610x1 16517-72
179x1 1145-22
189x1 13865-12
197x5 14679-91
205x7 19170-21
216x4 25418-31
229x3 2638-83
234x9 4830-22
249x3 19666-112

#PlayerGames WonFinish Time

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