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Past Tournament Details - Skeet Shooting

2023-12-05 10:00:00 - 2023-12-05 10:55:00
19x3 24990-80
26x4 30864-10
37x4 12872-40
44x10 1917-50
59x3 12435-110
67x3 2492-10
79x3 21842-110
88x4 19767-70
97x5 30041-80
108x3 522-90
118x4 20673-70
127x4 24722-60
136x5 3520-60
1410x2 21730-110
158x3 2570-80
168x3 16454-80
174x10 3579-40
189x3 3094-100
198x4 9376-110
207x5 9245-100
218x4 24706-100
225x8 13587-60
237x4 29684-50
245x7 28138-10

#PlayerGames WonFinish Time

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