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Subject: Stream of Consciousness: a thread that cannot be hijacked

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Date: Fri Jun 2 05:04:24 2023
User: TNmountainman
I'm hoping you don't mean a bunch of uranium hexafluoride gets released.....

Date: Sat Jun 3 05:29:41 2023
User: Klepp
Russia swaps Iran fissionable plutonium for drones, no? I hope to live long enough to see the (inevitable) nuclear detonation occurring in Ukraine, State of Israel, possibly elsewhere...(please don't assume I relish such possibilities, I merely try to foresee as an armchair historian).

Date: Sat Jun 3 08:25:02 2023
User: BuzzClik
Your phrasing is a bit in contradiction to your claim of not "relishing such possibilities." Saying you "hope to live long enough to see...." means you want to see it but doubt you'll live long enough. How about, "History dictates that, perhaps in my lifetime...." ?

Date: Tue Jun 6 13:24:22 2023
User: TNmountainman
Just throwin' this 'out there'..... 😯🤔🤷 https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2023/06/ex-intel-official-government-hiding-alien-tech.html

Link: UFOs/UAPs are "real"?

Date: Tue Jun 6 14:24:07 2023
User: BuzzClik
We seem to be in a UFO cycle right now. We do this periodically.

Date: Wed Jun 7 05:19:05 2023
User: sgmsgmsgm
I got no doubt that UFOs are real. I just saw a real object fly past my deck. I couldn't identify it, so that makes it a real UFO. It came back 5 minutes later, this time I identified it as a crow. The question isn't whether or not they are real, the question is are they extraterrestrial in origin. Given that several billion people around the world have a video camera with them at all times, it's quite significant that we still have nothing better than blurry grey shapeless images and videos. Then there's the development of cheap drones that can be made to look like anything.

Date: Wed Jun 14 12:15:54 2023
User: BuzzClik
In preparing to post on the "Indy Music in Commercials" thread, I used my iPhone's Safari browser to search: "GMC truck ad war on drugs." I immediately found the video I was looking for but decided to post it using my laptop. I am a poor typist under the best of circumstances, and the phone makes it worse. So, after firing up the laptop (Windows 11), I opened Chrome and starting typing in the search bar. I had typed "GMC t" when it autofilled to "GMC truck ad war on drugs". You don't have to be paranoid to figure out that nothing you do on any connected device is private.

Date: Wed Jun 14 12:39:13 2023
User: Kumquat-of-Conciliation
........which all just means you're just wanting to go to war while on drugs, in your GMC truck. "Ad" was interpreted to just be shorthand for "add in". And now I'll probably be right there beside you - courtesy of our overlords. 🤠😖

Date: Wed Jun 14 12:46:25 2023
User: BuzzClik
Well, sure. You know that. But how did my browser know that?

Date: Wed Jun 14 12:59:02 2023
User: Kumquat-of-Conciliation
All the previous "moutain of evidence" in your 'dossier' of course, silly. Your browser was already only 1 step from arriving at that conclusion - and you just completed the circuit. Thanks. Now I realize I have the unenviable task of trying to acquire a GMC truck, whilst on drugs. I'm just thankful you didn't include the word "plutonium" in your quest. Oops. 😲

Date: Fri Jun 16 03:29:35 2023
User: sgmsgmsgm
Plutonium? Did I hear Plutonium? If somebody wants to buy some Plutonium then I got a few barrels in the back shed that I really need to get rid of. They're starting to rust and leak everywhere. But no Mr FBI agent, no, no, don't get the wrong idea.. I didn't buy them. They were the result of a failed deal by my ex wife, a Russian mail order bride who turned out to be the sister of a guy who worked at a soviet nuclear plant who was trying to sell it, and the ex-wife's Italian gigolo. I only got involved because the gigolo knew a Romanian hacker who promised to lift my ELO up to 9994, which, as you are all very much aware is a scared number to us Australians, and cricket lovers everywhere. Anyway, turns out Bogdan couldn't crack Denny's security so Vincenzo reneged on the deal and ran off with Svetlana and I got stuck with two barrels of weapons grade Plutonium. It's all yours for $1 a kilogram. I know how much you Americans hate the metric system so I'll tell you that that converts to about $10 per thanksgiving turkey worth in weight.

Date: Fri Jun 16 04:09:39 2023
User: sgmsgmsgm
Note to BuzzClik: just buy a RAM. Although of course you will then be accused caprine bestiality, but that would be the lesser of two evils.

Date: Fri Jun 16 04:58:03 2023
User: Kumquat-of-Conciliation
So.........is it ok to ask if this Vincenzo is the same as a certain uncle, who's a "close associate" of firenze? Asking for a friend, obviously.

Date: Fri Jun 16 15:30:47 2023
User: firenze
No, no, no. Nonna named him Vittorio.

Date: Fri Jun 16 19:58:37 2023
User: firenzes_mother
We used to call him puzzolente when he was young.

Date: Sat Jun 17 10:10:10 2023
User: FilthyMcNasty
Puzzolente is both feminine and masculine. A little quirk in the language. NOTE TO VITO: That was just an aside. No aspersions intended toward your sister. If I wanted to say that Mother smelled like a fish, well, I'd say it. Personally, I Iike a woman with a powerful musk. By the way, Vito, did she ever show you the pictures of us flashing the security cameras during the post-election Rotunda Luau? We had a great selfie of us sitting on the lap of the QAnon Shaman, wearing nothing but riot helmets and combat boots. Those guys really know how to party.

Date: Sat Jun 17 10:46:34 2023
User: firenzes_mother
It's that mermaid outfit you keep insisting I wear. Seriously, ever since Tucker got those videos, he hasn't left me alone.

Date: Sat Jun 17 13:09:52 2023
User: BuzzClik
That would explain Fox’s cease-and-desist order. 😱😵

Date: Sat Jun 17 21:00:47 2023
User: TNmountainman
This is a pretty cool archeology/philology research tool that's being developed. Anybody here speak Akkadian? Since I love studying ancient civilizations, and their genetic legacies, this is very neat. Here's the journal link: https://academic.oup.com/pnasnexus/article/2/5/pgad096/7147349?login=false

Link: Can you write that out in plain Akkadian, please?

Date: Wed Jun 28 04:24:15 2023
User: TNmountainman
Just throwing this out there - again......

Link: exotic materials from the first (known) interstellar visitor?

Date: Wed Jun 28 09:25:13 2023
User: BuzzClik
Oh, geez. This interstellar meteorite is made of really tough materials. Logically, it must be a spacecraft. 🧐

Date: Wed Jun 28 15:04:08 2023
User: mrbuck
If life from outer space does come to Earth, what will their Elo be? mrbuck

Date: Wed Jun 28 15:23:40 2023
User: TNmountainman

Date: Sat Jul 15 16:58:15 2023
User: BuzzClik

Apparently these guys are a phenomenon. 

I really like their $1 yacht. 

$1 yacht .... and up.

Date: Mon Sep 25 10:44:44 2023
User: BuzzClik

I sometimes browse the front page of Yahoo.com when I am waiting for a call or an email or whatever and trying to kill time. It's never enlightening though sometimes amusing. Today's hits:

a) News about a walkout by police over some controversy. The city (country?) where this occurred was never identified, and not enough information was given to provide even the smallest clue. 

b) "AI Program Ranks Greatest NBA Players, MJ Not Top 3." I was curious who was in the top three if not Jordan. The top three were 3) Kareem, 2) LeBron James, and 1) Michael Jordan. ??

(My stupidity for clicking the link...)

Date: Wed Sep 27 09:43:31 2023
User: BuzzClik

I received an email asking me to review a manuscript that had been submitted to a journal for possible publication. The title was interesting, but I wanted to read the abstract first. After following the link provided by the journal, this is what I found:

"I have pasted Abstract several times and on clicking submission the system continues to say provide abstract. I have been trying this several times without success. I have alerted xxx.xxx@thejournalinquestion.com about this. If possible copy and paste the abstract in ms for us."

Dear Journal: About your quality control... 

Date: Sat Sep 30 00:17:16 2023
User: TNmountainman

I *think* this might be the best thread for this......(attention ix).........


Edit:  The "Favorite Christmas Toys......." thread might be better than this one for the above link, as pogo sticks and other toys are discussed.  I could try and switch this to there........but I won't.  Those interested can check it out here:


Date: Sat Sep 30 06:53:12 2023
User: BuzzClik

Cool projects. The man is not well. 

Date: Sun Jan 7 23:26:16 2024
User: BrewCrewOldSkool

Nice to see Miami get buffaloed...next up, Steelers.

Date: Thu Jan 11 00:01:59 2024
User: BrewCrewOldSkool

Dolphins acclimated to SE Florida temps will enjoy near zero degree air (Fahrenheit) in KC Sunday...pity pity they lost to BUF.

Date: Fri Jan 12 20:56:07 2024
User: BrewCrewOldSkool

Since the Red Man has so very very many names for snow, I'm sure He has a word for the *baseball diamond-sized foot's worth of* saturated 32 degree Fahrenheit precip. I just threw around in a moderate pant...(aspirin post-chore ingestion to ward off minor heart pangs...a decade from now my cardio may very well DENY what I just did).

Date: Sun Jan 14 20:05:32 2024
User: BrewCrewOldSkool

"...blown out..."--some CBS talking head, in reference to GB's treatment vis-à-vis Dallas, in Dallas' very own backyard nonetheless...

Date: Mon Jan 15 07:31:07 2024
User: wildcard

Date: Mon Jan 15 08:09:53 2024
User: wildcard

I got to edit photos from the Chiefs AFC Wild Card game with the Dolphins Saturday night from the comfort of my warm home. Kansas City Star photojournalists Emily Curiel and Nick Wagner were sending me photos directly from their cameras from the frigid, sub-zero sidelines. I saw the play when Mahomes' helmet broke and was praying to the photo gods that we had at least Mahomes after the play with a hole in his helmet. A few minutes after the play, Emily sent this frame to me. I'm not sure how this moment could have been captured any better. Great to see one of our staff members making what will be undoubtedly one of the most iconic sports photos of 2024. The Star team is on a roll.

Chris Ochsner

Date: Sun Feb 25 16:54:19 2024
User: BuzzClik

I was staring numbly at the tube as Jimmy Kimmel came on for his nightly show. One of his guests was Selena Gomez; not a big draw for me but my body convinced me that moving from the couch was out of the question. Kimmel had Gomez participate in a game with a young fan of hers .... not just a fan, but an adoring, obsessed college student who turned her dorm room into a Selena Gomez shrine. 

The game was called something like "Do You Know Selena Gomez?" He would ask some deep trivia about Gomez, and the contestant who buzzed in first got first crack at the answer. The young lady was destroying Gomez, mostly on quickness, but she was never wrong. She knew when Gomez got her first tv kiss (her first kiss ever, apparently), the name of her pet, who lives in Gomez house with her, her sister's name, that her parents initially were going to name her Priscilla, and that "Selena" is Greek for "moon". The young fan got tripped up on Gomez's little sister's middle name, but she drew a complete blank on the most hilarious question of all "Who was the previous owner of Selena Gomez's current home?" Gomez knew the answer, but the young lady look perplexed as Gomez proclaimed, "Tom Petty."

Kimmel (to superfan): "Do you know who Tom Petty was?" 

Superfan: "I have no idea."

I laughed hard enough that my energy returned. I found the remote and turned off the idiot box. 

Date: Thu May 30 07:54:52 2024
User: BuzzClik

From the "Seriously?" Department:

I receive far too many trash emails, and I unsubscribe to at least ten per day, but they never stop. Today's contribution to the bit bucket was from an outfit calling themselves Brainy Savings, and their Brainy tip today was strategies to improve my chances of winning the lottery. Brilliant. 

Date: Thu May 30 11:29:10 2024
User: MikeC

Sometimes hitting unsubscribe just gets you more emails . I usually mark them as spam .    Mike

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