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Subject: More, different BIG science news

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Date: Wed Jul 5 12:13:36 2023
User: TNmountainman
We (certainly I) could see this coming, as a follow-on to "environmental" COVID testing - not that it's a *direct* result. I think the idea has been "out there" (pun not intended but noted) independently. For example..............I'm sure mrbuck has been assiduously collecting air filters in his area, as have I, to search for Bigfoot DNA. All we need now is a verified sample of Bigfoot DNA to be able to track how many of these reports are 'true'. Beyond that...............as there are air filters everywhere.........it would have been sooo much easier to track Whitey Bulger, for example, or any "missing person(s)" with this technique. That seems far-fetched, yes, but think about how far face-recognition cameras and license-plate readers have come. Only about 1 or 2 more steps to go........ We just need DNA analysis labs every few blocks or so. Or do-it-yourself home models. Suspect your spouse has been cheating on you? Wonder how big the party was your kids had when you left town for a couple of days? Wonder if that critter up in the attic is a squirrel, skunk, 'possum, or escaped murderer? Is your Bolivian flake *really* from Bolivia? Is your expensive box of corn flakes *really* GMO-free? But seriously.............if I may.................this could be a great tool going forward - looking backward, as it were.

Link: "environmental DNA" is on the case

Date: Thu Jul 6 14:08:13 2023
User: mrbuck
Excellent idea TN! I wondered where else I could go for hints on finding a samsquanch when I remembered we have AI now. So a quick question to ChatGDT on how to find bigfoot and here's the response: Finding Bigfoot, also known as Sasquatch, has been a subject of interest for many people. While the existence of Bigfoot remains unverified, here are some general tips that people have used when conducting their searches: Research: Learn about Bigfoot sightings, reports, and known hotspots. Explore accounts from witnesses and researchers to understand the patterns and characteristics associated with Bigfoot encounters. Join or Create a Research Group: Connecting with like-minded individuals who share your interest in Bigfoot can be beneficial. Joining an existing research group or forming your own can allow you to collaborate, share information, and pool resources. Field Investigations: Visit areas with reported Bigfoot activity. Look for remote forests, mountains, and wilderness areas known for sightings. Keep an eye out for footprints, tree structures, and other potential signs of Bigfoot activity. Gather Evidence: Equip yourself with appropriate tools such as cameras, audio recorders, and thermal imaging devices to capture potential evidence. Document any unusual sounds, tracks, or other phenomena you may encounter during your investigations. Practice Patience: Conducting a successful Bigfoot search requires patience and dedication. It's important to spend significant time in the field, observing and studying the environment. Keep in mind that finding definitive evidence of Bigfoot may take time and persistence. Network and Share: Engage with the Bigfoot research community, attend conferences, and participate in online forums and discussion groups. Sharing your findings, collaborating with others, and learning from experienced researchers can enhance your knowledge and increase your chances of finding credible evidence. Respect the Environment: While searching for Bigfoot, it's essential to respect the natural environment and wildlife. Follow local regulations, obtain necessary permits, and practice responsible outdoor ethics. Leave no trace and avoid causing any harm or disturbance to the ecosystem. Remember, the existence of Bigfoot has not been scientifically proven, and the search for it is still considered speculative. Approach your search with an open mind and be prepared for the possibility that TN will find one first.

Date: Thu Jul 6 15:11:26 2023
User: TNmountainman
Well...........I think we both already do all of those things, right? Except....................I had not thought of this: "Keep an eye out for footprints, tree structures........". Tree structures!! Perhaps they're had to find because they build tree houses and live up there, harder to spot! Good for AI to open up that 'level' of searching!

Date: Wed Aug 2 04:33:47 2023
User: TNmountainman

Euclid joins the Webb and Gaia in the Lagrangian L2 dance.....

Euclid telescope shares its first glimpses of the universe | CNN

Direct from ESA (nearly the same content):

ESA - Euclid test images tease of riches to come

The blog (which includes a nice representation of L2) to follow Euclid news:

ESA - Follow Euclid's first months in space

Date: Wed Aug 2 06:10:50 2023
User: Katya

Carrying the air filter idea further into the wilderness so to speak. How ya gonna know it's BigFoot's DNA in there? LOL

Date: Wed Aug 2 13:36:43 2023
User: TNmountainman

Well............it's up to humans (for now) to "define" "Bigfoot", right?  So.........if we could ascertain, with 100%, or very near 100% certainty, that it's a primate, but not any known primate, I think that'd be close enough for cousins.  That would still not answer the question of which he/she/it's related to Yeti, Ozark or Appalachian mutated hillbillies, or other crypto-species however.

Date: Tue Aug 29 18:13:10 2023
User: TNmountainman

I think this is a HUGELY important article.  There's lots of links in there, some, or many of which you all may want to explore, but the overall message is wonderful.  Wish this knowledge was "out there" when I was a younger chap:

The curious ways your skin shapes your health - BBC Future

[Disclaimer:  my deep science research background has made me a big believer in the theory of inflammatory processes causing a lot of diseases - certainly those related to aging - so I'm already one of the choir being preached to here.]

Date: Sun Oct 8 20:14:35 2023
User: TNmountainman

This probably only barely qualifies for the title of the thread, but I think it's more relevant here than in, say, the "random posts" thread.   To be sure, this article just gives an insight to the ongoing process of discovery, so the story is only beginning to be told.  But it's an important educational topic, for those not hep to it:

What makes a human human? Largest-ever DNA analysis of mammals offers clues. (msn.com)

As the story notes, there's ELEVEN (count 'em, 11) papers on this topic in the current (*special*) issue of "Science", but here's the introductory one:

Zoonomia | Science

Date: Sun Oct 8 21:15:06 2023
User: firenze

Maybe, we need a thread entitled:

More, different MIDDLING science news

Date: Sun Oct 8 22:45:24 2023
User: TNmountainman

I actually thought, both this time and several times earlier..........of starting such a thing, but haven't for a couple of reasons:

1.  It would dilute the science content too much.  Don't wanna have 10 or 12 of them akin to the 30-40 "freecell vs. freecell lite" threads.  😁

2.  Such a description might cause only casual science 'fans' to skip that thread entirely.  To their detriment, of course. 

3.  The couple of threads in the catch-all "random posts" universe might actually draw more eyes the any thread with the word "science" in it, shocking as that may seem.

But I don't have my mind closed to it.  There definitely are items I haven't posted at all, that would properly fit such an appellation. 

Date: Tue Oct 17 02:42:30 2023
User: TNmountainman

Sorta in the "middling" realm, as it's just a nice "theory" to contemplate:

Scientists propose sweeping new law of nature, expanding on evolution (msn.com)

So what they're saying, among other things, is that there is a force working *against* entropy?  (Not really; I'm just teasing, but if one wasn't careful about defining a "system", then one could think along those lines.)  I don't think this idea is brand new, but maybe this is the most fully-formed expression of it. 

Date: Tue Oct 17 09:54:46 2023
User: BuzzClik

Entropy is just part of the equation when it comes to determining the state of a system. Forces work against entropy all the time...

Date: Wed Nov 8 14:43:46 2023
User: TNmountainman

Euclid reports in from its Lagrangian L2 perch:

Euclid telescope’s first images reveal new cosmic details | CNN

Date: Thu Nov 30 16:08:04 2023
User: TNmountainman

Ok, (for now) this probably falls into the "MIDDLING" category as suggested by firenze, but seems curiously like some threshold may have been crossed.........or something.  The places this could "go" is certainly something to ponder:


Date: Thu Nov 30 17:22:33 2023
User: GoAdoptADog!

Gah TN, what a weird time to be alive, huh? I can’t think about such things for too long without my head spinning. You know what I feel like is one of the most important discoveries that many of us take for granted? Placebo effect. I mean, if you really think about it.. the implications of placebo effect are pretty crazy. I haven’t read up on the topic nearly enough, (even though I minored in psych, ha) but the idea that the physical can be affected by the perceptual is pretty neat. A real life magic trick of sorts. 

Date: Wed Jan 10 20:25:38 2024
User: TNmountainman

Hard to decide which Science thread to put this one in; could go in either one, as they've to a large extent cross-pollinated each other. 

Back on page 2 of the thread about the Russians invading Ukraine ("C?LABA YKPAIHA!") ..............I wrote this:

"For extra credit................ponder upon the Steppes as being largely the (apparent) origin of the Yamnaya culture, and how that became perhaps the greatest ancient factor leading to the peopling and population of Europe - altho of course its FAR more complicated than that. But it's an interesting (at least for me) exercise to wonder in what ways that past led us to this present. What affect do ancient haplotypes have on the modern world?? I don't know - just interesting to wonder about."

So...........................just published today:

Ancient DNA reveals reason for high multiple sclerosis and Alzheimer's rates in Europe (msn.com)

That's discussing not 1, but *4* new papers in the new edition of "Nature".  Massive, massive amount of data and work to churn out these studies.  I've always been amazed how much the Yamnaya culture has influenced, and continues to influence, our world today - very especially "Western Civilization".  More to come from this in the future..........  

Date: Tue Feb 6 13:52:37 2024
User: TNmountainman

mrbuck, do you have spiders in your neck of the woods?  Assuming yes..............you'll now have an *even easier* way to detect samsquatch activity in your environs.  This is an 'extension' on the news I reported above on Jul. 5, 2023.  And wonder if the FBI in Michigan/New York/New Jersey has any Jimmy Hoffa DNA they can try and match?

Spiders spin webs to catch prey. They’re also trapping a wealth of DNA | CNN

Date: Sat Apr 13 15:58:33 2024
User: TNmountainman

For those who didn't 'get' the colorization process of the Webb images (and others), BBC has just done a small explanatory video on it:

Why space isn't as colourful as photos make it seem (bbc.com) 

For reference..................go back in this thread to Aug 4-5, 2022:

Freecell.net - play online competitive Freecell solitaire 

Date: Mon Jun 10 02:57:00 2024
User: TNmountainman

Hubble transitioning to a "safe mode":

The Hubble Space Telescope makes a big change to keep observing the universe | CNN

Date: Mon Jun 10 07:53:27 2024
User: BuzzClik

The beginning of the end. 

Many of us can relate.

Date: Wed Jul 24 13:35:40 2024
User: BrewCrewOldSkool

4000-year-old (treasure?) map

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